
California Democrat just went off the deep end with her prediction of what a Trump win would mean

She’s always played fast and loose with the facts, but this is a new low, even for her. What it really conveys is a growing...

Far-left Mayor asked one question during a debate that will make you lose faith in humanity

Democrats have become parodies of themselves. Radicals have completely taken control of the party. And a far-left Mayor asked one question during a debate that will...

Democrat politician had one mic-drop moment that left her colleagues stunned

Democrats have adopted truly disturbing ideas. But some members of the party have their limits. And one Democrat politician had a mic-drop moment that left her...

Biden campaign is ripping their hair out after Trump’s performance in this state leaves them stunned

The hope among Democrats and their left-wing activists was that lawfare would turn the tide. But the results so far can’t be encouraging to President...

New York Democrat is turning heads with one truly jaw-dropping proposal to attack MAGA supporters

Leftist politicians often gain power when they masquerade as being more moderate than they really are. But every so often the mask slips and even...

Kathy Hochul backs off her heavy-handed green tax only to save Democrats for this political reason

Far-left policies are unhelpful when they are put into law and are often highly unpopular. That doesn't stop radical politicians from enacting these policies, except...

Glenn Youngkin flips off Gavin Newsom and AOC with one victory that left them spitting mad

States that are completely Democrat-run are imposing burdensome rules and regulations. Luckily for residents in Virginia, things are trending in the opposite direction. Now, Glenn Youngkin’s...

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