
Nancy Pelosi lapdog Adam Schiff proved he was a total fraud in this infuriating video

Nancy Pelosi is still one of the biggest powerbrokers in Washington, D.C. She controls the purse strings for a lot of Democrat fundraising. And Pelosi lapdog...

One horrifying crime is surging in this Democrat stronghold

Blue cities are under the thumb of bad leaders. Their policies keep getting more and more extreme. And one horrifying crime is surging in this Democrat...

New Yorkers are thinking twice before leaving their homes after this horrific tragedy unfolds

For years, tourists would flock to New York for its shopping, dining, and entertainment opportunities.  But skyrocketing crime coupled with a migrant crisis of epic...

Gavin Newsom just channeled his inner mean girl with this response to Trump’s RNC speech

The political Left is in shambles in the wake of Joe Biden's announcement that he is dropping out of the race. The fear of a...

Chuck Schumer is in the hot seat over a report concerning Biden’s heave-ho

For President Joe Biden, the dominoes fell quickly. The calls for him to step aside grew by the day, leading to confusion and infighting by...

Nevada Senator changed her tune on a bold Trump initiative to help the working class

Democrats are increasingly worried about their prospects in the election as their Republican opponents gain in the polls. The old saying is, “If you can't...

New York Democrat just gave the starkest reality check yet to Joe Biden’s flailing campaign

The last month has arguably been the worst of the president's political career. He's outed himself as incapable and not fully cognizant and there's no...

Nancy Pelosi’s reaction to a reporter’s question just proved the scope of Democrat panic

Democrats are in a real bind these days over the future of the current presidential campaign. Democrats see that Joe Biden seems less capable by...

Philly lawmakers make an about-face as these pandemic-era policies wreck the economy

Once the pandemic started to spread in 2020, lawmakers shut down the country without any thought about the long-term consequences of such shutdowns.  Four years...

Juneteenth celebration flew off the rails after an eruption of violence plagues this Democrat-ran city

America's Democrat-run cities have declined in multiple ways in recent years. The prevalence of crime in these cities has driven families and businesses away, but...

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