
Republicans and Democrats alike are keeping a close eye on this purple state that wants out of America

America has been comprised of 50 states for 65 years.  But that number could soon be changing.  And now both Republicans and Democrats are keeping a...

One Democrat-controlled city is proving all too well why they can’t have nice things

In Democrat-controlled cities across America, crime and depravity have made life unbearable. Every time city officials scheme up a new way to attract people to...

Virginia Ex-Governor just gave Biden and any Democrat replacing him some truly awful news

The political fortunes of the Left have gone into a tailspin and seem to be tanking by the hour. States that Democrats have long counted...

Parents are on high alert after one jaw-dropping scheme is halted

There are many sick people out there who wish to commit unspeakable crimes against children.  This fact has left many parents in a constant state...

Colorado Democrat sparks outrage with his despicable comments about Trump

It's been said that when someone shows you who they really are you ought to believe them. That being the case, the past several days...

A ridiculous Trump narrative shot down by one Republican will have you clenching your fists

It’s only been a few days since Donald Trump almost got assassinated on live television. And the Left are already back to their nasty tricks. But...

Parents are stunned after this horrifying kidnapping makes headlines

Every good parent’s worst nightmare involves losing their child in some way or another.  This is especially true in today’s world, where out-of-control crime ravages...

Rapper’s efforts brought justice to a criminal after his eye-popping attack was caught on video

The City of Brotherly Love has turned into a dangerous place, especially in recent years. But amid the rampant criminal activity there are those that...

Brandon Johnson dropped jaws with who he blamed for Chicago’s epidemic of violence

For radicals and far-left politicians of every stripe, these are harrowing times. They fought for radical change and, now that they've gotten it, the results...

Horrifying report shows that officials in this blue state had plenty of chances to nab this murderer

Dangerous criminals run wild through the streets of many American cities, making these places as unsafe as ever.  Lawmakers in many of these cities have...

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