Michael Moore is urging Biden to move heaven and earth so Kamala can win in Michigan


After Joe Biden’s debate disaster, it was only a matter of time before party bigwigs pushed him out of the race.

Kamala Harris has become the consensus replacement candidate, but she’s got some drawbacks and is vulnerable on several fronts.

Now Michael Moore is urging Biden to move heaven and earth so that Kamala can win in Michigan.

Filmmaker Michael Moore is a radical leftist who never met a wild-eyed social crusade he wouldn’t enthusiastically champion.

Notwithstanding, he was one of the few on the political left who warned of Donald Trump’s strength with voters in his home state of Michigan.

While Hillary Clinton and the Democrats were focusing on expanding the map with campaign stops in North Carolina and Arizona in 2016, Trump consolidated his support in the Rust Belt.

That decision turned out to be unwise for the political Left.

Joe Biden has shown tremendous weakness in the Wolverine State this election cycle.

On the day before he quit the presidential race with a statement on X, a new poll by the Detroit Free Press showed Trump handily defeating Biden in Michigan by seven percentage points.

Some pundits have even claimed that this was the straw that broke the camel’s back for Biden’s 2024 reelection campaign.

Kamala Harris hasn’t fared much better in the state.

Michael Moore knows it and is pressing Biden to rig the game in Harris’ favor.

For Moore and those of his mindset, they don’t want Biden to kick around anymore now that he’s exhausted his usefulness.

His continued existence in the White House is also a stark reminder of how Democrat political leaders have colluded with corporate media to lie about Biden’s cognitive abilities (or lack thereof) for months or perhaps even years.

Moore: Joe Biden, please position Kamala for success

In what amounts to essentially a Moore Manifesto on Substack, the filmmaker and carb enthusiast wrote, “May I ask you, Mr. President, for one more brave and bold action? Kamala Harris will be in a much stronger position to win if she can run as the President of the United States. As the incumbent President. This will give the country a chance to see her in action — as the most powerful person in the world.”

No perfect options for Team Blue with Harris as their candidate


Or it could give more ammunition to the political Right who have argued for years (likely correctly) that Biden has been out of his depth and not up to the job.

Such an action would also put more of a focus on how much Harris knew about Biden’s diminished condition and how long she was aware of it.

Further, if Harris assumed the presidency, it would be much harder for her and her supporters to deflect criticism of the failed Biden-Harris policies related to securing the southern border.

Moore’s call for drastic action makes sense because the Democrats are worried about Harris’ electoral abilities.

Biden has reportedly shown concern over whether Kamala Harris can beat former President Donald Trump in November.

Recent polling continues to show Harris lagging behind former President Trump.

In a poll released by CNN on Wednesday that was conducted after Biden dropped out of the presidential race, former President Trump leads Vice President Harris by 3 percentage points.

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.

Nancy Pelosi lapdog Adam Schiff proved he was a total fraud in this infuriating video


Nancy Pelosi is still one of the biggest powerbrokers in Washington, D.C.

She controls the purse strings for a lot of Democrat fundraising.

And Pelosi lapdog Adam Schiff proved he was a total fraud in this infuriating video.

California Mafia takes out Biden

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) are known behind the scenes as the “California Mafia.”

Pelosi kept departed Dianne Feinstein’s Senate seat warm for Schiff, who’s currently in position to become the junior U.S. Senator for the Golden State.

Schiff would not make any major move without Pelosi’s blessing, which is why many believe that she gave Schiff the greenlight to publicly call for Joe Biden to drop out of the 2024 Presidential race.

Schiff told The Los Angeles Times that Biden “has been one of the most consequential presidents in our nation’s history, and his lifetime of service as a Senator, a Vice President, and now as President has made our country better. But our nation is at a crossroads. . .A second Trump presidency will undermine the very foundation of our democracy, and I have serious concerns about whether the President can defeat Donald Trump in November.”

However, Schiff was singing a different tune only a few months prior.

Schiff joined a chorus of Democrats who beat up on Special Counsel Robert Hur for declining to recommend charges against Biden in his classified documents scandal.

Hur’s decision was originally promoted as a win by the Democrat-controlled media, but once journalists read Hur’s reasoning, they were furious.

Hur said that he did not recommend indicting Biden because he was “a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.”

That characterization stung because Democrats at the time were trying to sell Biden as a paragon of virility and mental acuity.

Hur essentially exposed the Democrat Media Complex as liars.

Schiff singing a different tune on Biden’s health

During a Congressional hearing, Schiff took Hur to task for including Biden’s mental state in his summary.

Schiff said, “What is in the rules is you don’t gratuitously do things to prejudice the subject of an investigation when you’re declining to prosecute. You don’t gratuitously add language that you know will be useful in a political campaign. You were not born yesterday. You understood exactly what you were doing. It was a choice. You certainly didn’t have to include that language.”

Schiff and others on the Left attempt to paint Hur, a registered Republican, as a political actor intending to kneecap Biden.

Ironically, Democrats would kneecap him themselves with the same argument only a few months later.

Schiff continued, “You could have said vis a vis the documents that were found at the university the president did not recall. . .There is nothing more common. You know this, I know this. There is nothing more common with a witness of any age when asked about events that are years old to say, ‘I do not recall.’ Indeed they are instructed by their attorney to do that, if they have any question about it. You understood that. You made a choice. That was a political choice. It was the wrong choice.”

It is ironic how prescient Hur’s summary turned out to be.

Republicans were not allowed to notice Biden’s cognitive decline, but it was fair game for Democrats once they needed to elbow him out of the 2024 campaign.

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.

Californians who know Kamala best just weighed her Presidential dreams and it’s not good


After Joe Biden’s disastrous presidential debate, it was obvious that he was damaged goods.

Democrat bigwigs colluded to push him out of the race, but the “consensus” replacement candidate has problems of her own.

Now Californians who know Kamala best just weighed on the prospect of her as president and it’s not good.

Democrats may have breathed a sigh of relief when Joe Biden finally caved into mounting pressure and quit the presidential race on Sunday.

But they would do well to temper their enthusiasm.

Should she officially become the Democrats’ nominee, Kamala Harris isn’t exactly a walking corpse, but she’s far from free of political baggage.

That’s to be expected when you hail from what is arguably the most radical state in the union.

California doesn’t turn out moderate politicians at the state level and Harris is certainly no exception.

After the death of George Floyd during the summer of 2020, Harris outed herself once again as a far-left radical.

Harris hearts horrific criminals

During the 2020 presidential campaign, Harris backed “Freedom Fund,” a bail fund that put murderers and rapists back on streets.

In a Twitter post from 2020, Harris wrote, “If you’re able to, chip in now to the @MNFreedomFund to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota.”

According to Fox 9 in Minneapolis, the Harris-backed fund spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to free an alleged knife murderer and a convicted rapist who was facing charges of sexual assault and kidnapping.

She was also all in on Prop. 47, which turned California into what essentially became a “safe space” for smash-and-grab criminals.

Now that Harris appears to be the leading contender to become the Democrats’ presidential nominee, her past actions are getting new scrutiny by those who know her well and it’s not a good look for her.

She’s a border czar who doesn’t believe in borders

Fox News Correspondent (and California resident) Bill Melugin reminded voters on X about Harris’ suggestion that ICE should be eliminated.

That takes on a special meaning with tens of millions of illegal aliens having arrived since the start of the Biden-Harris administration.

Melugin wrote, “Kamala Harris has previously said she supports decriminalizing illegal immigration, & in 2018 she suggested that ICE should be eliminated, saying ‘we probably need to think about starting from scratch.’ She also pushed false BP “whipping” claim, saying it reminded her of slavery.”

California pro-life activist Lila Rose showcased her radicalism on the issue of abortion, writing, “As California AG, Kamala Harris persecuted pregnancy resource centers and pro-life journalists David Daleiden and Sandra Merrit. As VP, she’s continued her crusade against pro-life Americans & the preborn. A Harris presidency would be disastrous for human rights.”

George Andrews wrote about how Harris is responsible, in part, for California’s epidemic of smash-and-grab robberies.

He wrote, “Excited for Kamala Harris as the nominee to expose CA’s shady ballot writing process. Though she didn’t formally endorse Prop 47, she architected its passage, turning the state into a haven for smash-and-grab criminals. California’s twisted version of democracy needs national sunlight.”

Democrats may have won the battle when they were able to successfully coax the hapless Joe Biden out of the presidential race, but it’s entirely possible that they lose the general election war given the prospect of a Kamala Harris presidential loss.

Harris isn’t polling any better than Biden did and when it comes to her disastrous record, she can run but she can’t hide.

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.

One horrifying crime is surging in this Democrat stronghold


Blue cities are under the thumb of bad leaders.

Their policies keep getting more and more extreme.

And one horrifying crime is surging in this Democrat stronghold.

Sexual assault on the rise in the Big Apple

New York is one of the cities in the process of being wrecked by pro-crime policies.

And a recent report showed that the heinous crime of rape is up by double digits.

The New York Post reported that the “Big Apple has seen an alarming 11% jump in rapes this year — with some sections of the city seeing their numbers more than double. There were 880 rapes reported citywide from Jan. 1 through July 14, compared to 796 in the same period last year, NYPD stats reveal.”

Jane Manning, director of Women’s Equal Justice, said, “This should be a wake up call. . .The NYPD needs to allocate more investigators to its understaffed Special Victims Unit, so that every case is investigated well and dangerous offenders are apprehended.”

Not only have police departments been demoralized and hit with shortages due to the “defund the police” movement in light of the George Floyd riots, but the influx of illegal aliens has been a huge financial burden on the city.

Mayor Eric Adams famously said, “Never in my life have I had a problem that I did not see an ending to. I don’t see an ending to this. I don’t see an ending to this. This issue will destroy New York City. Destroy New York City…We’re getting 10,000 migrants a month…We had a $12 billion deficit that we’re going to have to cut. Every service in this city is going to be impacted.”

“Every service” includes law enforcement.

Not only are migrants straining resources, but they are committing the crimes.

The Post added that “Christian Inga, a Venezuelan migrant who lived in Corona, was arrested for the rape of a 13-year-old girl at knifepoint in a Queens park on June 13 after cops released a police sketch and surveillance photo of him. The teen’s father. . .said the family has been in despair since the vicious attack. . .He previously told The Post he blamed President Biden’s disastrous open-border policy for allowing career criminals to easily enter the US.” 

Powerful RNC speech against pro-crime DAs

Madeline Brame, whose son was murdered, gave one of the most memorable speeches at the Republican National Convention.

She called out Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg by name.

Brame explained, “Alvin Bragg often dismisses and reduces dangerous criminals. . .He wants to clear the jails and return violent felonies onto our streets every day. The injustice was devastating for me and my family. Soft-on-crime prosecutors like Alvin Bragg in New York, Kim Foxx in Chicago, and George Gascon in Los Angeles have turned our great country and cities into war zones.”

George Soros-backed district attorneys have been wreaking havoc all over the country.

Several of them have faced recall elections.

Soros prosecutor Pamela Price is currently facing a recall in Oakland where the local NAACP chapter called on her to resign.

Brame added, “Poor and neglected communities like mine are suffering. And who else in here is sick and tired of being sick and tired? Minorities have been loyal to [Democrats] for decades, including myself, all right? They betrayed us.”

More and more people are beginning to see the consequences of these terrible pro-crime policies.

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.

New Yorkers are thinking twice before leaving their homes after this horrific tragedy unfolds


For years, tourists would flock to New York for its shopping, dining, and entertainment opportunities. 

But skyrocketing crime coupled with a migrant crisis of epic proportions has turned many parts of New York into no-go zones.

Now New Yorkers are thinking twice before leaving their homes after this horrific tragedy unfolds.

This scary attack demonstrates a key problem in the Big Apple

Although the corporate media does not cover it anymore, illegal immigration continues to severely impact many American cities.

After all, thousands of illegal aliens continue to flood across the southern border every single day, often ending up in American urban centers.

New York City in particular has witnessed a major surge in illegal immigration, with illegal aliens from all over taking up shop on busy streets, already strained homeless shelters, and even public school buildings. 

Countless reports of illegal aliens committing horrifying crimes have emerged, leaving many New Yorkers afraid to leave their homes.

Just last Sunday, a series of violent attacks broke out near a migrant shelter in Brooklyn, leaving two people dead and one person critically injured. 

According to authorities, the attacks started at a park in the Flushing Avenue and Steuben Street neighborhood, not too far from the Navy Ship Yards.

The initial attack resulted in one death, and just moments later the second attack ensued. 

At a migrant shelter roughly a quarter mile from the first attack, two people were shot, one of whom died from his injuries. 

Police officers have since made it clear that everyone involved in these attacks were illegal aliens. 

As it stands, law enforcement has not arrested anybody in connection to these crimes as of Monday. 

Many believe that these attacks were linked to the Venezuelan gang, El Tren de Aragua. 

Attacks such as this one have created a sense of great fear all across New York, with many New Yorkers pushing back against the mass influx of illegal aliens. 


Last September, for example, New York City Mayor Eric Adams even claimed that illegal immigration could destroy New York City as people know it today. 

Illegal immigration will only get worse as politicians refuse to act 

The events of the last several weeks have dominated American headlines, and for good reason.

However, illegal aliens continue to surge across the southern border, with thousands of them entering the United States every day.

Despite what Democrats say, many of these illegal aliens come from dangerous nations and rarely have any desire to assimilate peacefully. 

Rather, many of these people come to escape justice from their home countries, wreaking havoc in America as Democrat politicians refuse to take action on the border. 

As Joe Biden hides in his Delaware home, and Kamala Harris focuses on running for President, Americans fear that even more dangerous criminals will come across the southern border. 

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.

Former Governor called out Barack Obama for one stunning move against Joe Biden


The Democrats are falling apart.

It’s all been downhill since Joe Biden’s disastrous debate against Donald Trump.

And a former Governor called out Barack Obama for one stunning move against Biden.

Joe Biden is out.

Democrat Party elites got their wish and successfully coerced Biden out of the 2024 Presidential race.

Biden wrote in an odd statement, “It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your President. And while it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term. I will speak to the Nation later this week in more detail about my decision.”

The hastily written statement was not on official letterhead, and Biden’s signature looked different.

Nevertheless, Biden is out, and Vice President Kamala Harris seems to be in.

Democrats and their media allies are quickly falling in line.

Chicago politics at its finest

However, former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich is not ready to move on.

He believes that Barack Obama’s fingerprints are all over Biden’s ouster.

Blagojevich wrote on social media, “I’ve known Obama since 1995. We both come out of Chicago politics. I know how it works. He’s behind the campaign to dump 15 million Dem primary voters & replace Biden with his choice. Classic Chicago Democrat machine politics. Selection over election. The bosses over the people.”

Fewer people are better positioned to comment on Chicago-style politics, as Blagojevich was convicted of attempting to sell Obama’s vacated Senate seat after he was elected President of the United States.

Blagojevich, however, maintained his innocence, and his 14-year prison sentence was commuted by Donald Trump.

Obama curiously did not endorse Harris as the Democrat Party nominee even though the Clintons did.

But that should not be a sign that Obama is not pulling the strings on her behalf behind the scenes.

Obama the puppet master

Obama reportedly was the person who urged Biden to bring on Harris as his running mate in 2020.

During that primary fight, Harris accused Biden of being both a racist and a rapist, then giddily ticketed up with him.

That selection likely would not have happened without Obama’s influence.

Blagojevich is not the first to speculate that Obama’s fingerprints are all over the metaphorical knife in Biden’s back.

Morning Joe co-host Joe Scarborough said on his show, “One thing that we do have to underline here — just so viewers can follow what’s going on behind the scenes — is the Biden campaign and many Democratic officials do believe that Barack Obama is quietly working behind the scenes to orchestrate this.”

That belief was buttressed by the fact that Hollywood superstar George Clooney, a close ally of the Obamas, penned an op-ed in The New York Times calling for Biden to step aside.

Clooney purportedly ran the op-ed by Obama, who did not discourage him from publishing it.

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.

Republicans and Democrats alike are keeping a close eye on this purple state that wants out of America


America has been comprised of 50 states for 65 years. 

But that number could soon be changing. 

And now both Republicans and Democrats are keeping a close eye on one purple state that wants out of the union. 

United we stand, divided we fall? 

The Grand Old Party is living in fear of “Texit” happening and the Lone Star States leaving America. 

Meanwhile, the Democrat Party knows it can’t survive if the Gold State heads for the door with Cal Exit. 

But Texas and California aren’t the only states exploring the possibility of separating from the union. 

Secession movements are currently underway in Alaska, Louisiana, and Florida – worthy of note, all red states. 

And a new survey from YouGov finds that more could be popping up around the country at any time.

According to the poll from earlier this year, almost one-quarter of Americans, 23%, want their state to become an independent entity. 

And with those numbers in mind, Newsweek is reporting a movement has now launched in New Hampshire to make the Live Free or Die State its own country. 

Secession movement officially launches in New Hampshire 

The NHEXIT Now campaign was born out of New Hampshire’s Free State Project. 

The Free State Project – appropriately represented by the porcupine – is an effort by Granite State libertarians to entice more libertarians from across the country to move to the small state and positively influence New Hampshire politics and culture. 

But Carla Gericke left the Free State Project and is now leading the effort for New Hampshire independence. 

“There are 2.5 million unelected bureaucrats in Washington, D.C.,” Gericke told Newsweek. “And they are responsible for dragging the nation to the brink of bankruptcy. Not only that, but they are siphoning money out of taxpayers’ wallets every year, trampling on the rights of New Hampshire citizens.” 

For Gericke, New Hampshire secession is a natural extension of her libertarian beliefs – especially considering the rapid growth of the federal government. 

“We must take back our government and work to guarantee the protection of the rights and basic necessities of New Hampshire residents,” Gericke added. “I am extremely excited to take on this new role, create a community of pro-independence Granite Staters, and work to secure a self-governed future for New Hampshire.”

The NHEXIT Now website says the group will use “peaceful, democratic and lawful” tactics in pursuit of a free and independent New Hampshire. 

Irreconcilable differences 

The failings of the federal government and the ever-expanding differences between red states and blue states have many Americans believing a national divorce could be in everyone’s best interest. 

Some, like Republican Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, believe a national divorce is the best, and perhaps, only way to avoid a second American civil war.

And MTG isn’t alone in this thinking.

An Ipsos poll from last year found one out of every five Americans support a national divorce, including 25% of Republicans, 20% of independents and 16% of Democrats.

Those numbers are likely to even be higher now after President Joe Biden said at the June debate in Atlanta, Georgia that anyone who votes for Donald Trump is against “democracy” – and a political extremist in Butler, Pennsylvania attempted to assassinate the leading candidate to become the next President of the United States. 

*Blue State Blues News Official Polling*

One Democrat-controlled city is proving all too well why they can’t have nice things


In Democrat-controlled cities across America, crime and depravity have made life unbearable.

Every time city officials scheme up a new way to attract people to the city, drug addicts and criminals step in.

And San Francisco has already proven that they cannot handle this new invention.

Waymo might have to rethink their strategy after this bizarre attack unfolds

For as long as most Americans can remember, San Francisco has suffered from Democrat control.

It should come as no surprise that San Francisco has become a hub of homelessness, crime, and drug abuse. 

Rather than find ways to curtail these woes, lawmakers have instead made it their top priority to facilitate drug use and protect criminals.

These misguided efforts have turned San Francisco into one of America’s most dangerous places to live, forcing residents, businesses, and investors to run for the hills. 

However, tech company Waymo has stuck with San Francisco, developing driverless cars to help get people around town.

It has not taken long for this well-intentioned project to turn into a complete nightmare.

Just recently, police were notified after witnesses saw a man shouting at a driverless Waymo vehicle in the Pacific Heights neighborhood.

The man in question then channeled his anger at a bystander, who he proceeded to attack.

The San Francisco Police Department shared a clip of the incident which occurred on July, 5.

In the video, you can see the suspect yelling at the Waymo car, shouting, “What are you going to do?  I want to see it. Come on, Waymo. Give me something to work with.” 

He then hit the car’s hood, yelling, “Hey, come on, let’s work for each other. … You’re no better than me.” 

The Waymo car detected something wasn’t right, and started issuing a warning that unsafe behavior was detected. 

A bystander then intervened, telling the man to leave the car alone.

The suspect then started to take his anger out on the bystander, pummeling him into the ground.

As of now, the victim is recovering but sustained life-threatening injuries, including skull fractures. 

San Francisco police officers have yet to arrest the suspect, and he remains at large to this day.

Police estimate that the man was under the influence of drugs, a very common problem in San Francisco.

This Waymo incident proves that San Francisco cannot have nice things 

San Francisco has served as a hub for innovation and investment ever since the California gold rush.

Many of the world’s largest tech companies have put their roots down in this area for good reason.

However, decades of Democrat control threaten all of this.

Just last week, Elon Musk announced his decision to leave California altogether, and many others have followed suit. 

The recent incident involving a Waymo car embodies the sort of depravity that Democrat lawmakers all too often tolerate, causing many to leave the Golden State behind. 

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.

Corrupt Democrat spit out one shocking statement after his criminal conviction that will make your blood boil


Democrats are nothing if not shameless.

They will weather the storm of any political controversy.

And a corrupt Democrat Senator made one shocking statement after his criminal conviction.

Menendez convicted

Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) was recently convicted on corruption charges.

The FBI raided his home and found cash and gold bars that he had received from foreign governments such as Egypt, as he lobbied on their behalf.

Menendez also took cash from local New Jersey businessmen.

Menendez has previously wriggled out of corruption charges, but he was unable to do so this time.

However, instead of throwing in the towel on his political career, Menendez shot down reports that he was resigning his Senate seat.

Refuses to go away quietly

Menendez CBS New York’s Christine Sloan, “I can tell you that I have not resigned nor have I spoken to any so-called allies. . .Seems to me that there is an effort to try to force me into a statement. Anyone who knows me knows that’s the worst way to achieve a goal with me.”

In light of the scandals surrounding Menendez, he lost Democrat Party support in the primary fight for his Senate seat.

Menendez is running as a third-party candidate and plans to appeal his conviction.

He is hoping to hit an inside straight by getting re-elected despite a corruption conviction hanging over his head and then being exonerated on appeal.

Being in power for so long can make politicians delusional.

Menendez was essentially ditched by the Democrat Party.

They circled the wagons around him in the past, but he has been cut loose.

After Menendez attended a meeting led by Secretary of State Tony Blinken, Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) said, “I don’t know why anybody would take a meeting with that sleazeball. . .And he needs to go. I’ve been very clear about that. . .We should have chucked him. I don’t know why we haven’t chucked him, and I sure hope eventually we do chuck him.”

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said in an interview, “Well, you know, I think it’s—the situation is quite unfortunate, but I do believe that it is in the best interest for Senator Menendez to resign in this moment. . .It shouldn’t matter whether it’s a Republican or a Democrat. The details in this indictment are extremely serious. They involve the nature of not just his but all of our seats in Congress.”

Ocasio-Cortez even shot down the narrative that he was being targeted for being a Latino.

She continued, “And while, you know, as a Latina, there are absolutely ways in which there is systemic bias. But I think what is here in this indictment is quite clear. . .And I believe it’s in the best interest to maintain the integrity of the seat. I want to emphasize that all people are—they must be extended the presumption of innocence until proven guilty. That is the legal reality in our country. But when it comes to the political and the standard of dignity that we want to maintain for the public in the United States Congress, I do believe it is in the best interests.”

Menendez showed that there are in fact limits of behavior within the Democrat Party: don’t do anything that makes you unelectable.

Menendez violated that one rule.

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.

Gavin Newsom just channeled his inner mean girl with this response to Trump’s RNC speech


The political Left is in shambles in the wake of Joe Biden’s announcement that he is dropping out of the race.

The fear of a comeback by their arch nemesis and strongly polling former president is palpable.

Now Gavin Newsom just channeled his inner mean girl with this response to Trump’s RNC speech.

Republicans, perhaps against all odds, had a fantastic political week.

In the aftermath of a failed assassination attempt on Donald Trump, the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee demonstrated a show of unity that has eluded Republicans for at least the last twenty years.

From Nikki Haley to Ron DeSantis to even Hulk Hogan, speakers conveyed a positive message that has objectively resonated with the American public.

Early Saturday morning, the Detroit Free Press published a poll showing Donald Trump leading Joe Biden in the state of Michigan by 7 percentage points.

That would be the largest lead of any Republican in the Wolverine State since before the end of the Cold War.

Amazingly, within hours of the release of that poll, Joe Biden decided (or was coerced) to drop his reelection bid.

Amid what has been long simmering Democrat disarray, Gavin Newsom decided to take potshots at Donald Trump over what was universally seen as a successful convention.

Newsom’s estimation of Trump’s speech is different than what most people saw

In response to Donald Trump’s RNC speech, Newson wrote, “Boring. Rambling. Liar. We will beat him.”

In the speech Newsom described as “boring” Trump spoke of his attempted assassination, credited God with his survival and honored Corey Comperatore, the firefighter killed in the wake of Trump’s assassination attempt.

Trump said, “You’ll never hear [about the assassination attempt] from me a second time because it’s too painful to tell. I immediately knew it was very serious, that we were under attack and, in one movement, proceeded to drop to the ground. There was blood pouring everywhere, and, yet, in a certain way, I felt very safe because I had God on my side.”

Speaking of Comperatore, he added, “He was a highly respected former fire chief, respected by everybody. He was accompanied by his wife, Helen. An incredible woman I spoke to today. Devastated. And two precious daughters.”

Trump continued, “He lost his life selflessly acting as a human shield to protect them from flying bullets. He went right over the top of them and was hit. What a fine man he was.”

Democrats dump Biden but can’t run from their record

Newsom and those on the political Left may not have liked what Trump had to say but, by all indications, those in the political middle who are willing to give him a free hearing are open to supporting him.

That’s why Newsom’s Democrat comrades have taken the risky action of goading their presidential candidate into quitting the race a little over three months before the election.

In the latest Real Clear Politics average, in a hypothetical presidential election between Donald Trump and Gavin Newsom, Trump currently leads by about three percentage points.

There will certainly be many twists and turns over the next several months but Democrats can’t run from their record under the failed Joe Biden presidency.

Newsom would do well to dial down his smug behavior because it’s unbecoming and unconvincing.

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.