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City that went insane during COVID is floating one eye-popping law that will infuriate you

There still has been no reckoning for the COVID regime. The United States went totalitarian for two years and people have been told to move...

Far-left Democrat in this crime-ridden city just saw her home raided by the FBI

Criminal activity has gotten completely out of control in one California city. Recent developments have only underscored this fact and it's not a good look...

Far-left Mayor asked one question during a debate that will make you lose faith in humanity

Democrats have become parodies of themselves. Radicals have completely taken control of the party. And a far-left Mayor asked one question during a debate that will...

Democrat Mayor signed one executive order that will have your blood boiling

Far-left leaders are plunging their cities into chaos. They continue to double down on radical policies. And one Democrat Mayor signed an executive order that will...

Outraged New Yorkers jumped into action as the unthinkable unfolded in broad daylight

New York became a so-called “sanctuary state” in 2017 which effectively allowed illegal aliens to live in the state without fear of deportation from...

Blue State Democrat caught misusing campaign funds for something that will turn every head

Many Democrat strongholds are horribly mismanaged. Yet the leaders keep getting elected. And one big-name Democrat got caught misusing campaign funds for something unbelievable. Almost all major...

Far-left politician devastated when hearing the worst news possible after Bay Area residents have had enough

Out-of-control crime, skyrocketing inflation, and exorbitant cost of living rates have made life very difficult for many Americans.  Democrat-controlled parts of America are especially hard...

Gavin Newsom told a whopper about his deployment of the National Guard and instantly regretted it

It used to be easy for leftist politicians to make exaggerations or outright lies and get away with it. But all that has changed in...

Biden leaves secret service agent spitting mad after the unthinkable happens to him

Joe Biden is nervous about recent polls showing him losing to Donald Trump, so he's looking for help from Gavin Newsom and the Hollywood...

Recent developments show that New York City has become a total nightmare for tourists

Every year millions of tourists from all over the world flock to American cities like Boston, New York City, and Washington, D.C. These tourists come...

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