Black Lives Matter scorched after making these eye-popping comments about Trump assassination attempt


It’s been said that when someone shows you who they really are, you should believe them.

The statements made in the week after what transpired in Butler, Pennsylvania have been revealing.

Now a Connecticut chapter of BLM got scorched for a vicious take on what happened to Trump.

On Saturday, July 13th, a radical 20-year-old named Thomas Matthew Crooks attempted to assassinate former President Donald Trump.

Miraculously, a quick turn prevented Trump from receiving serious injury.

While decent people of all political stripes breathed a sigh of relief at the news that Trump escaped with only a cut to the ear, the internet is full of people who aren’t so decent.

Comedian and actor Jack Black was forced to cancel his comedy-rock duo Tenacious D’s “Spicy Meatball” world tour after his bandmate Kyle Gass made a joke onstage about the assassination attempt.

In Sydney, Australia, Gass celebrated his 64th birthday.

When asked to make a wish, Gass replied, “Don’t miss Trump next time.”

It was an interesting statement on behalf of those whose politics require them to constantly preach “tolerance” and “inclusion.”

But he was hardly alone.

The Black Lives Matter 860 Group in Hartford, CT, has never found the need to be measured in their public pronouncements.

They have a history of incendiary remarks on their social media pages, but what they said in the aftermath of the assassination attempt on Donald Trump is really beyond the pale.

Black Lives Matter: Trump’s injury “just a flesh wound on a coke head”

Responding to the extent of Trump’s injuries, Black Lives Matter 860 said, “It’s a flesh wound on a coke head.  Extremely underwhelming.  I used to sleep on the floor at times to avoid gun violence in the 90s.  I wish they reacted this way when kids got shot at playgrounds.”

One wonders what kind of outrage would have ensued from this particular BLM chapter if anyone on the political Right had pointed out in the immediate aftermath of George Floyd’s death that he was actually a thug who beat up and threatened to murder a pregnant woman.

Those comments are bad enough, but BLM 860 doubled down.

In another post, the group wrote, “How much is the shooter’s bond?  Someone drop a link.  If the bond is too high, let’s get them commissary asap.”

They then veered into conspiracy theories, with another post saying, “That shit was an inside job.  There’s no way secret service allowed someone to a rooftop that closely with firearms.  They usually would have had someone posted there.  That kid wasn’t old enough to drink and he’s dead due to negligence.  Antifa wouldn’t have missed.”

Plenty of questions remain unanswered about the shooting but it seems like the saying that one should never ascribe malice to that which can be explained by incompetence is apt here.

BLM a “completely discredited” organization

There was pushback on X from this hateful rhetoric, with one user called “Here. And No Further” responding, “And that’s why BLM is completely discredited.  You have no moral center.  It’s all a Will to Power with you.  Just like good Marxists.”

At least the radical views written by this radical group are completely at odds with the vast majority of politicians on both sides of the political divide.

Here’s to hoping that this kind of rhetoric only serves to further marginalize an already diminished political organization.

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.

Corrupt and convicted Senator Menendez (D-NJ) just made a decision about his political future


The accusations of wrongdoing finally came to a head in recent days.

That has put one prominent Democrat in a tough spot with only months to go before the election.

Now corrupt and convicted Sen. Menendez (D-NJ) just made a decision about his political future.

This week, US Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) was convicted on multiple counts for using the power of his official position to enrich three New Jersey businessmen and benefit the Egyptian and Qatari governments. 

Prosecutors said that he had received bribes, including “cash, gold bars, payments toward a home mortgage, compensation for a low-or-no-show job, a luxury vehicle and other items of value.”

The New Jersey Democrat has kept a defiant posture for months, refusing to step aside despite mounting criticism from members of his own party.

But now there is word that Menendez has told members of his inner circle that he will resign from Congress in light of his conviction.

NBC News has reported that two people “directly familiar with those conversations” claim that the Democrat voiced his intent to step aside.

On Tuesday, after he left court, he brushed aside questions about his political future.

Another Democrat official is being shown the door by his own political party

Sen. Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said, “In light of this guilty verdict, Senator Menendez must now do what is right for his constituents, the Senate, and our country, and resign.”

Joining Schumer in his call for Menendez to vacate his senate post were other Democrat Senators, Sherrod Brown of Ohio and Menendez’s New Jersey colleague Cory Booker.

Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), chairman of the Banking Committee where Menendez serves, went even further, saying, “I have been clear since last fall that Senator Menendez needs to resign. If he refuses to do so, the Senate should expel him.”

Booker struck a somber note on social media, saying, “This is a dark, painful day for the people of New Jersey.  Representing people in Congress demands public trust.  When any elected official violates that trust, it is a betrayal of the oath we take to serve the people who’ve elected us.  Without that trust, our ability to do our work and perform our duties for our constituents is compromised.”

He added, “I call on Senator Menendez to resign.  I originally did so last fall because of the severity of the allegations against him and how they shook the public’s trust.  Now, with this conviction, the urgency for Senator Menendez to step down and for the governor to appoint a replacement has even more urgency.”

The conviction comes at a tough political moment for Democrats given their upcoming internal fights over who will be replacing Biden at the top of the ticket.

Republican pickup opportunity?

If Menendez resigns, New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy (D) would appoint a senator to serve for the remainder of the term.

Rep. Andy Kim (D-NJ) and Senate Republican nominee Curtis Bashaw are running to replace Menendez.

In this hypothetical case, polling shows a highly competitive race.

Polling conducted by Republican super PAC United 2024 has shown Kim, a congressman from New Jersey’s third district leads Bashaw by a 41%-39% margin.

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.

Virginia Ex-Governor just gave Biden and any Democrat replacing him some truly awful news


The political fortunes of the Left have gone into a tailspin and seem to be tanking by the hour.

States that Democrats have long counted as being automatically in their column are starting to look extremely shaky.

Now a Virginia Ex-Governor just gave Biden and any Democrat replacing him some truly awful news.

The Old Dominion became reliably blue in federal elections since the mid-2000s.

But after three and a half years of Joe Biden’s disastrous presidency and a presidential debate where 50 million Americans saw the commander-in-chief seemingly unable to formulate and finish sentences, everything has changed.

Many Americans have long suspected that the president has been unwell for some time, even as his campaign had worked in overtime to shield him from unscripted public appearances.

That all came crashing down on the night of June 27th in Atlanta.

Since then, the Biden-Harris ticket’s already poor polling only deteriorated further.

In 2020, the Biden-Harris ticket carried Virginia by a double-digit margin.

Democrats have a major polling problem

As a demonstration of just how much the political landscape has changed, new polling shows Donald Trump leading in the state.

Prior to Biden’s departure from the race, former president Donald Trump led Joe Biden by three percentage points in a new Virginia Commonwealth University-Wilder School poll. 

The pollster says, “The results, which are within the poll’s 4.8-point margin of error, show Biden dropping from the 42 percent support he enjoyed in the last VCU-Wilder poll, released in January, while Trump was unchanged at 39 percent. The new poll was conducted between June 24 and July 3, so some of the results followed the June 27 presidential debate, when Biden’s faltering performance raised questions about his age and ability to handle the demands of the job.”

Looking under the hood of the polling results, it gets even worse for Democrats.

Biden’s job approval in Virginia in the VCU poll is only 36% with 58% disapproving.

In contrast, Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) has a 50% approval rating in the same poll.

If the Democrats were hoping that perhaps this was just one outlier poll, those hopes can now be considered dashed.

Another poll was released Thursday afternoon that corroborated the findings of the VCU poll.

A brand new survey conducted by Emerson College Polling for The Hill found that in Virginia 45% support of voters support former President Donald Trump and 43% support President Biden in a 2024 election.

Democrat former Governor: “Virginia is in play”

Democrat former Virginia Gov. L. Douglas Wilder told the Washington Post, “Virginia is in play. It is a close race. It’s a turnout election in Virginia.”

The truth is that if Virginia is in play, whoever replaces Biden could very likely be already losing.

Another recent Emerson College Poll shows Trump beating all of the top contenders to replace Biden by even larger numbers than Biden. 

In an election where Virginia is close, it likely means that other states that are more traditionally amenable to Republicans are already in their column.

The latest news out of Virginia comes at a terrible time for Democrats.

Joe Biden’s decision to bow out of the presidential race is going to set off a tsunami of infighting within the Democrat Party as early voting begins in several states in just a few weeks. 

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.

Chuck Schumer is in the hot seat over a report concerning Biden’s heave-ho


For President Joe Biden, the dominoes fell quickly.

The calls for him to step aside grew by the day, leading to confusion and infighting by the party faithful until he dropped out.

Now Chuck Schumer is in the hot seat over a report concerning Biden’s heave-ho.

At his core, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) is a politician’s politician.

Whenever Schumer takes a stance, it’s almost always done after careful consideration.

He’s also historically been very careful not to get too far out of sync with public opinion, at least as far as that opinion goes within his own political party.

When pro-Hamas protesters caused a ruckus on college campuses this Spring, Schumer was very measured in his response, keenly aware that staking out a strong position either pro- or against the protesters carried political risk for Democrats in an already close election.

And he made his opinion clear on the matter of whether Biden was too compromised to win in November, a decision that clearly spoke for many high-level Democrats.

Schumer told President Joe Biden to shoo

Jonathan Karl of ABC News reported that the Senate’s top Democrat has had a “blunt one-on-one conversation” with Biden prior to Biden’s “decision” to drop out.

According to Karl, Schumer advised Biden to suspend his campaign.

Karl wrote on X, “I am told Chuck Schumer had a blunt one-on-one conversation with Biden Saturday afternoon in Rehoboth. Schumer forcefully made the case that it would be best if Biden bowed out of the race. Schumer’s office wouldn’t comment on the specifics of the conversation, telling me only, ‘Leader Schumer conveyed the views of his caucus.’”

This development was sure to send Joe Biden’s relatively small but dedicated group of core supporters into a rage.

That Schumer didn’t walk it back suggests that the reporting is reliable and indicates Schumer may have had a hand in Biden dropping out.

Pelosi, Jeffries wanted him gone from the race as well

POLITICO reported that former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi also told President Joe Biden last that she worried he would drag down the party and jeopardize their chances in the election.

The website quoted a close Pelosi ally who said, “The speaker does not want to call on him to resign, but she will do everything in her power to make sure it happens.”

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries fled the Biden ship before it was a complete wreckage as well.

According to Karl, “Hakeem Jeffries has expressed a similar view to Biden, according to a source familiar. A Jeffries spokesman tells me, ‘The letter sent by Leader Hakeem Jeffries to his House Democratic colleagues speaks for itself. It was a private conversation that will remain private.’” 

For his part, Biden refused to quit his campaign for nearly a month before Biden and his inner circle called it quits.

On Thursday, polling aggregator RealClearPolitics had moved the state of Virginia into the Republicans’ red column after two new polls out of the Old Dominion showed Donald Trump ahead of Biden.

By Friday afternoon, six additional congressional Democrats joined the ranks of several dozen who had previously called on Biden to suspend his presidential campaign.

Biden finally heeded the calls this past Sunday. 

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.

Gavin Newsom forces Elon Musk to leave California with one law that has everyone shaking their heads


California is a horribly mismanaged state.

The Golden State is losing residents by the hundreds of thousands despite unmatched natural advantages.

And job killer Gavin Newsom did it again after one horrendous law forced Elon Musk out of the state.

Musk leaving California after infuriating law

California Governor Gavin Newsom is rubber-stamping almost every single insane idea that radical Democrats in his state propose.

Newsom recently signed AB 1955, which does not require public school employees to notify parents if their minor children change their names or identify as a different gender.

The radical law proved to be the last straw for Elon Musk.

The tech billionaire announced that he was moving SpaceX and X, formerly known as Twitter, headquarters out of California.

Musk wrote on social media, “This is the final straw. Because of this law and the many others that preceded it, attacking both families and companies, SpaceX will now move its HQ from Hawthorne, California, to Starbase, Texas.”

Despite having beaches, mountains, surfing, skiing, hiking, and so much more, California experienced net negative migration out of the state for the first time under Governor Newsom, and the trend has not reversed.

And it’s all because of horrible politicians.

California radicals running the state off the rails

Pro-crime policies and rampant homelessness have scared away both residents and businesses.

Radical social policy is just the cherry on top.

It’s common sense that parents should be notified about major issues involving their kids.

School nurses are not even allowed to give children shots without parental consent.

But if a child wants to change his or her gender, parents need not be notified.

That is utter madness.

Sacramento LGBT Community Center CEO David Heitstuman commented, “Young people should really be in control of their own destiny and what it is that they’re ready for, in being able to disclose what their identities are to teachers, their peers, to their parents, and so this really puts that kind of control and autonomy back with the students. . .It’s super important for young people to be the ones in control of when they disclose and how they disclose, that that’s so important. For my own self coming out, it was really important for me to have the opportunity to be able to share with who I wanted when I wanted, when I was ready.”

Protecting the “LGBT community” is always the excuse for wildly divisive issues.

Parents are in control of their kids’ lives, not some unvetted public school employee.

Lance Christensen, Vice President of Education Policy and Government Affairs at California Policy Center, responded to the new law, “We are disappointed to see Gov. Gavin Newsom sign Assembly Bill 1955, legislation that unconstitutionally abrogates parental rights. . .Public schools are meant to support – not subvert – parents in their efforts to educate their children.”

He pointed out that the new law allows schools to lie to parents.”

“AB 1955 violates the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act which grants parents universal access to information about their child in their public school,” Christensen added. “Districts that create dummy files to ‘support’ a new gender identity for kids stand to lose federal funding.”

California Democrats will not stop until the state’s economy has been completely crippled.

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.

Parents are on high alert after one jaw-dropping scheme is halted


There are many sick people out there who wish to commit unspeakable crimes against children. 

This fact has left many parents in a constant state of panic, looking for ways to keep their children safe without them having to hover over them. 

And parents are on edge as this wicked plot was stopped before it was too late. 

This uncovered plot demonstrates the evil that lurks through America’s streets 

Every parent fears their children crossing paths with a dangerous individual who wishes to take advantage of them or harm them. 

In today’s America, these fears have increasingly become realities as crime continues to climb in certain areas. 

For example, on Tuesday, authorities in New York City told reporters that they uncovered a disturbing plot that targeted children. 

20-year-old Michail Chkhikvishvili allegedly devised a scheme, which involved him dressing up as Santa Claus, before giving poisoned candy to children. 

Tuesday’s announcement came after law enforcement officials arrested Michail Chkhikvishvili in Moldova on July 6. 

The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York has labeled Michail Chkhikvishvili as the leader of a “Maniac Murder Cult.” 

It operates in several nations across the world, and targets young children. 

This “Maniac Murder Cult,” allegedly targets Jewish children and other minorities in particular. 

Chkhikvishvili, a Georgian national, lived with a relative in Brooklyn starting in 2022, where he devised several terrifying terrorist plots. 

In 2023, he hired an individual, and according the CBS News, “asked the undercover employee to commit acts of mass violence, such as bombings and arsons, targeting racial minorities and Jewish people, and provided detailed plans and instructions on how to make bombs and Molotov cocktails.”

Later in 2023, CBS News added that “Chkhikvishvili began to plan an attack that would take place in New York City on New Year’s Eve.  Chkhikvishvili allegedly planned to have someone dress up as Santa Claus and hand out poison-laced candy to racial minorities and children at Jewish schools in Brooklyn.”

“Authorities said Chkhikvishvili told the undercover employee how to make ricin-based poisons, along with other lethal poisons and gases,” the shocking report then stated. 

This horrific plot has created a buzz in New York, with many New Yorkers fearing that other members of the “Maniac Murder Cult,” could be on the loose. 

Crimes against children have become an everyday part of life in many Democrat-controlled parts of America 

In Democrat-controlled parts of America such as New York City, crime has become a part of everyday life for many. 

Innocent people, including children, women, and senior citizens have become especially vulnerable. 

Unfortunately, lawmakers in the Big Apple have done little to nothing to prevent crime and protect the people they claim to represent. 

If anything, these radical lawmakers have made it easier than ever to commit crimes.

Their policies lead to many violent criminals being released on the streets just moments after committing a crime. 

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.

Colorado Democrat sparks outrage with his despicable comments about Trump


It’s been said that when someone shows you who they really are you ought to believe them.

That being the case, the past several days since the weekend’s botched assassination attempt have been illuminating.

And a Colorado Democrat sparked outrage with his despicable comments about Trump.

It was only a matter of minutes after an assassination attempt injured former President Trump and led to the death of an innocent bystander.

But the gravity of the situation didn’t stop one Colorado Democrat from doing something that Democrats had long criticized Trump for doing.

Only this guy did it worse.

Democrat dimwit calls Trump “the devil” just minutes after he was shot

While Trump was still receiving medical attention for the injuries he sustained from Saturday’s attempt on his life, Rep. Steven Woodrow (Democrat – Colorado’s State House District 2) mean tweeted (or X’ed), “The last thing America needed was sympathy for the devil but here we are.”

Needless to say, Woodrow’s comments didn’t go over well at all and he was resoundingly criticized.

Evidently, he couldn’t handle the heat, because shortly thereafter, Woodrow deleted not just his post, but his entire account on the social media platform.

After he self-ghosted, the local Fox affiliate received a statement from Woodrow, saying, “I condemn this attempt on President Trump’s life in the most forceful of terms. My message, as inarticulate as it was, is that acts of violence like this are awful and only make it more likely that Trump now wins. We must always resolve our differences peacefully at the ballot box—not through violence. I know people are hurting, and apologize that my words caused additional pain.”

Of course, the damage had already been done.

Many Republicans pointed to rhetoric on the part of Democrats and leftists over many years claiming that Trump is “dangerous” or a “fascist” as a possible cause for Saturday’s attack.

Just days before the attack on Trump, President Biden said, “It’s time to put Trump in the bullseye.”

Given that Democrats were already on the defensive, many couldn’t disavow Woodrow’s remarks more quickly.

CO Democrat House Speaker: “No place in our democracy for political violence”

House Speaker Julie McCluskie (D) responded, “There is no place in our democracy for political violence, and I was very disturbed by the assassination attempt on former President Trump. Representative Woodrow’s tweet was in poor taste, he has apologized and he deleted it, however violent threats against elected officials like those he is now facing are never acceptable.”

She added, “This is a moment for us to come together, turn down the hateful rhetoric and engage in more respectful political debate.”

House Majority Leader Monica Duran (D) said, “Violence of any kind is never the answer or solution, and my heart goes out to everyone impacted by this weekend’s tragic events. Rep. Woodrow has apologized for his tweet, which was the right thing to do. We condemn the threats and attacks he is receiving and renew our call to all Coloradans to talk about our differences with respect.”

Hopefully, cooler heads prevail in our polarized political climate.

President Biden did get one thing right, however belatedly or fleetingly, when he (tried) to say, politics “must never be a literal battlefield.”

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.

Nevada Senator changed her tune on a bold Trump initiative to help the working class


Democrats are increasingly worried about their prospects in the election as their Republican opponents gain in the polls.

The old saying is, “If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em” and that seems to be happening in one close race.

Now a US Senator facing a tough reelection changed her tune on a bold Trump initiative to help the working class.

Democrats for many decades wore their association with working-class voters as a badge of honor.

But when it comes to the policies pushed by today’s political leaders, these aren’t your father’s Democrats.

A focus on identity politics, social engineering, and corporate cronyism has alienated what was once a reliable Democrat constituency.

At the same time, Donald Trump and his supporters have begun a transformation of the Republican Party into a truly multiracial coalition based on opportunities for all, including the American worker and their families.

A winning “think out of the box” idea for workers

In keeping with his desire to win over working-class voters, last month, Trump introduced a proposal to eliminate taxes on tipping.

At a campaign stop in Nevada, Trump said, “NO TAX ON TIPS! We need to spread the word so every time you leave a tip for the next 5 months, you put on the receipt: Vote for Trump for NO TAX ON TIPS!”

The plan is proving to be so popular that it is winning converts.

Last month, Sen. Jacky Rosen (D-NV) called Trump’s proposal a distraction after he announced it at a rally with her Republican opponent, Army veteran Sam Brown.

Her campaign spokeswoman told NBC News on June 12th, “Nevada workers know they can’t trust empty talking points from self-serving politicians like Sam Brown trying to cover up their actual agenda of giving away more tax breaks to billionaires and corporate special interests.”

But that stance wasn’t perfectly conceived.

Twenty percent of workers in Nevada are in the tip-dependent leisure and hospitality industries.

CBS News reporter Olivia Rinaldi said that she spoke with hotel workers who overwhelmingly said they would switch their votes from Democrat to Republican in the upcoming election as a result of Trump’s plan.

Couple that with Joe Biden’s obstinate refusal to exit the race, preferring to instead act as an albatross around the neck of every vulnerable Democrat up for reelection, and Rosen suddenly saw reason to change her tune.

A different kind of “Me Too” movement

Rosen is now supporting a bill that would eliminate the income tax on cash tips.

She, along with Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto (D-NV) is now endorsing the bill that was first introduced in June by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX).

While Rosen called the bill “bipartisan” in a statement it should be pointed out that there was nothing bipartisan about it until days ago when Rosen and Cortez Masto signed onto it.

In response to her change of heart, Brown told the Free Beacon, “I’m pleased to see that Jacky Rosen is finally supporting a solution for working families, an idea championed by President Trump and me. Nevada workers deserve to keep more of their hard-earned money, and our plan to end taxes on tips will do just that. Nevadans won’t forget that Jacky Rosen had nearly 8 years to address this issue and did nothing.”

Time will tell what eventually comes of this proposal but the idea of hard-working people keeping more of what they earn is certainly something to cheer for.

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.

A ridiculous Trump narrative shot down by one Republican will have you clenching your fists


It’s only been a few days since Donald Trump almost got assassinated on live television.

And the Left are already back to their nasty tricks.

But one GOP lawmaker shut down this ridiculous narrative about the Trump shooter.

Donald Trump was grazed in the ear by a bullet intended for his temple.

Only by the grace of God did he survive a terrifying assassination attempt.

Full investigations are already underway into the shooter as well as how he was able to get a rifle onto a rooftop with an elevated position and a direct line of sight to the stage.

But that has not stopped left-wing journalists from jumping to conclusions.

Drawing conclusions about the shooter

For example, to absolve the Left of harboring any responsibility for their violent rhetoric directed at Trump, they have pointed out the fact that the shooter was a registered Republican.

Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) was one of the first to trot out that talking point.

However, there has been speculation that he registered as a Republican to vote against Trump in Pennsylvania.

The Federal Election Committee also confirmed that the shooter donated money to a far-left group.

Nevertheless, it’s quite telling where the Democrats’ priorities are.

They want to continue comparing Trump to Hitler with impunity.

But GOP lawmakers in Staten Island, New York were not having it.

They shut down journalists harping on the shooter’s voter registration.

Assemblyman Sam Pirozzolo had a great response.

Pirozzolo added, “You vote. You do it at the ballot box. You don’t do anything crazy. This election is our election to lose. Do not give the media or the Democrats any opportunity to hold anybody’s actions against us. You want to help out? You vote, you get your friends, your family, to vote; you get lawn sign, you put it on your lawn; you contribute to a candidate; you participate in the democracy that has made this the best country on the face of this planet.”

Assemblyman Michael Tannousis had a similar message.

He said, “It doesn’t matter who he is. It doesn’t matter why he did it. The fact is that he tried to kill President Trump. That’s it. We are here to condemn those actions, to say violence is not the answer. Violence should not breed more violence. [If] you want to do something about it, you don’t like the direction our country is headed, make your voice heard in the political process and in the ballot box. That’s the reason why we’re here today.”

Radicalizing rhetoric

Democrats and their media allies have spent the last eight years calling Trump Hitler and run-of-the-mill Republicans Nazis.

They said that the GOP wanted to end “our democracy.”

Then someone took them literally.

Now the Left are trying to wash their hands of their irresponsible rhetoric before the bodies are even cold.

Joe Biden recently gave an interview where he condemned political violence, but he did not take responsibility for his role in the political climate.

Perhaps Democrats should stop telling Americans that 2024 will be the last election.

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.

New York Democrat just gave the starkest reality check yet to Joe Biden’s flailing campaign


The last month has arguably been the worst of the president’s political career.

He’s outed himself as incapable and not fully cognizant and there’s no coming back from it.

Now a New York Democrat just gave the starkest reality check yet to Joe Biden’s flailing campaign.

For months, and even years, Republicans, conservatives and even fair-minded down-the-middle political observers noticed and commented on the fact that Joe Biden was obviously slipping with age.

The signs were all there.

He confused his interactions with the leaders of France and Germany with those that had been in power in the 1990s.

He even asked in front of a crowd, “Where’s Jackie?” in reference to a deceased Indiana congresswoman who had passed away weeks earlier, after Biden had already sent his condolences.

The White House’s responses to any good faith inquiries as to Biden’s mental state were met with accusations that those who asked questions were lying about what was going on.

Biden’s handlers accused those who questioned their narrative that Biden was “at the top of his game” of engaging in “cheap fakes.” 

All that came crashing down during Joe Biden’s debate performance in Atlanta on June 27th because it was an unmitigated disaster.

The president’s jaw-dropping inability to complete sentences or even hold a train of thought sent Democrats across the country into a panic that lasted for weeks.

At least a dozen congressional Democrats called for Biden to quit the race as a result of his performance that night and his inability to quell doubts about his abilities in the intervening days.

Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-NY) got to the heart of the issue late last week and spoke some hard truths to Joe Biden and his fellow Democrats before Biden’s NATO press conference and scheduled NBC interview with Lester Holt.

Congressman Ritchie Torres (D-NY): “The ability to survive a single public appearance is the [bare] minimum of what should be expected”

Torres wrote his concerns in a post on X, saying, “I will respectfully listen to the President’s press conference tonight and the interview on Monday evening but the ability to survive a single public appearance is the [bare] minimum of what should be expected of a Democratic Nominee. Neither the press conference tonight nor the NBC interview on Monday evening will offer the President the political salvation he seems to be seeking.”

He continued, “If the President formally becomes the Democratic Nominee, we will have no choice but to make the best of a complicated situation. But there is no point in denying the complications.”

Biden then went on to confuse former President Trump with his own Vice President during his remarks.

That was after he mixed up Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelensky with Russian President Vladimir Putin in separate remarks earlier in the day.

Democrats remain in political limbo with Biden as their candidate

Calls for Biden’s ouster were increasing in frequency until Saturday when Donald Trump was the victim of a failed assassination attempt, the first of its kind since 1981.

While Democrat officials say that the events of Saturday have temporarily halted any internal maneuvering to coax Biden out of the race, any further “senior moments” or embarrassing slip-ups on the part of the President will surely and quickly change the political calculus.

The Democrats’ “Biden problem” – and his anemic poll numbers remain a major concern.

These are dangerous and unprecedented times and the nearly four months remaining until Election Day amount to several lifetimes in politics.

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.