Eric Adams makes an eye-opening announcement following the failed assassination attempt


The world stood still Saturday following the failed assassination attempt of Donald Trump. 

Years of harsh political rhetoric and violence from the Left culminated in this horrific shooting, causing some Democrats to reflect on their political strategies. 

And Eric Adams made an eye-opening announcement following the failed assassination attempt. 

The Big Apple Mayor just made this announcement following Saturday’s shooting 

Last Saturday, Donald Trump narrowly escaped death after a bullet sliced through his ear causing relatively minor injuries. 

However, three other individuals were also shot, sustaining serious injuries while the 50-year-old Corey Comperatore, a devoted firefighter and father, died from his injuries. 

This horrifying show of political violence sent shockwaves across the world, with some politicians and other prominent figures expressing their condolences for those involved. 

New York City Mayor Eric Adams for example quickly condemned political violence, wishing Donald Trump a quick recovery.

“The events that unfolded at today’s rally in Pennsylvania are horrific. No matter our disagreements, we must all agree that violence of any kind is unacceptable. I am praying for the safety of former President Trump and anyone else who may have been injured in the attack in the incident today,” Mayor Eric Adams said in a public statement. 

He then added, “While we continue to gather more information, we will be surging officers to certain sites across the five boroughs.”

These heightened security measures come amid a violent crime surge in many parts of New York City, including tourist hotspots such as Midtown Manhattan. 

Already, heavily armed police officers have taken up positions all across New York, including positions in front of Trump Tower. 

Earlier this year, Eric Adams issued a similar order to secure the New York subway system, working with Governor Kathy Hochul to send hundreds of heavily armed police officers to patrol subway stations all over New York. 

Although Eric Adams quickly condemned the political violence that nearly took Donald Trump’s life, others were not so gracious. 

For example, a staffer for Congressman Bennie Thompson (D-MS) named Jacqueline Marsaw took to Facebook soon after the shooting, posting that, “I don’t condone violence but please get you some shooting lessons so you don’t miss next time ooops that wasn’t me talking.”

Marsaw lost her job after making these remarks, claiming that she just got swept up in the moment.  

Similarly, MSNBC host Joy Reid said on her show, Reid Out that “(Political violence) is so dangerous that you cannot avoid the consequences of it, even if you’re one of the people promoting it.” 

Almost immediately after making these remarks, people condemned the radical television host for seemingly blaming Trump for the assassination attempt that nearly took his life. 

The American Left has fanned the flames of division for years 

For years now, many on the Left have referred to Donald Trump as a modern-day version of Adolf Hitler, calling him an existential threat to democracy every chance they get. 

Just days ago, Joe Biden himself said that Democrats must start putting a “bullseye on Donald Trump.”

It should come as no surprise that somebody heeded his advice, killing a proud father, seriously injuring two others, and nearly killing Donald Trump. 

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.

Hollywood actress said something about the attempt on Trump’s life that will leave you red with rage


Donald Trump was nearly assassinated.

A fortuitous head turn saved him from certain death.

But one Hollywood actress said something about the attempt on Trump’s life that will leave you red with rage.

Left instantly back in attack mode against Trump

It took no time at all for people on the Left to come up with the most disgusting takes after the assassination attempt on Donald Trump.

Some of the worst commentaries came from Hollywood actress Amanda Seales, who starred in the HBO series Insecure.

Seales, without evidence, claimed that the assassination attempt was “staged.”

The actress said in a now-deleted video, “That s*** was more staged than a Tyler Perry production of Madea Runs for President.”

Hollywood mogul Tyler Perry, who played a lawyer in the 2014 Ben Affleck-led film Gone Girl, has a reputation for making schlocky movies and television shows on low budgets.

Perry’s business model, however, has been hugely successful; he owns and operates his own sound stages in Atlanta.

Seales continued, “I lived in Harlem long enough to know that gunshots do not sound like making popcorn on the stove.”

Seales believes that the entire event was “staged,” but whoever staged it would not have known what rifle fire sounds like.

Rants like these are one of the consequences of social media.

People who have no idea what they’re talking about can go viral.

Seales added, “Where did the blood come from? So in theater, in movies they have what’s called blood pellets. People use them for Halloween. . .It’s basically a pellet of fake blood that’s in your mouth and when you crush it the blood comes out.”

According to Seales, Trump was delivering a speech with blood pellets in his mouth at the ready.

Or maybe a bullet grazed his ear.

Seales also said, “To be frank, small hands Trump would not respond by raising his fist in the air triumphantly were an actual attempt made on his life. . .This was, I believe done to try to show his strength counter to Biden’s fragility.”

Left-wing conspiracy theories

The Left love to accuse right-wingers of being conspiracy theorists, but #BlueAnon takes like what Seales said are far more prevalent than anything kooky people on the Right say.

Worse yet, the Democrat-controlled media feeds into the conspiracy theories.

For instance, the Left refuses to give up the Russiagate hoax.

They still believe Trump colluded with Russia to “steal” the 2016 election.

Seales was far from alone on the Left in responding horribly to the attempt on Trump’s life.

Jacqueline Marsaw, the field director for Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS) shared a disgusting post on Facebook that read, “I don’t condone violence but please get some shooting lessons so you don’t miss next time ooops that wasn’t me talking.”

Marsaw got fired for her stupidity.

Thompson wrote in a message, “I was made aware of a post made by a staff member and she is no longer in my employment.”

Seales does not work in politics, so Hollywood probably will not punish her for the statements.

However, Seales has made enemies in the film industry simply for being a terrible person.

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.

Parents are stunned after this horrifying kidnapping makes headlines


Every good parent’s worst nightmare involves losing their child in some way or another. 

This is especially true in today’s world, where out-of-control crime ravages most American communities. 

And parents are stunned after this horrifying kidnapping makes headlines.

The unthinkable happened to this 4-year-old girl in a high-crime part of America 

For parents, nothing terrifies them more than losing their child. 

And as many parts of America reel from out-of-control crime, these fears have only compounded for parents. 

Recently, a four-year-old was abducted as she got lunch at Panda Express in the high-crime area of Santa Monica, California. 

The abduction occurred at roughly 12:11 P.M., and according to law enforcement officials, the suspect lured the four-year-old away as her grandmother paid for the lunch. 

Surveillance footage allowed police officers to get an image of the suspect, described as a heavy-set white female in her 30s.

The suspect fled the scene on foot, giving the police officers a better chance to catch the suspect. 

At around 12:37 P.M., just 26 minutes after the abduction, police officers discovered the little girl inside the nearby Holiday Motel with a 31-year-old woman named Breanna Taylor Shields. 

Fortunately, officers determined that Shields did not harm the young girl, and promptly arrested Shields. 

Shields had no relation to the young girl, and according to law enforcement officers, she had lived in the motel for quite some time and was experiencing homelessness.

Details such as a possible motive and Shield’s possible criminal history have yet to hit the public. 

Santa Monica police released a statement on the matter, saying, “Our heartfelt best wishes go out to the child and her family as they deal with the shock of this ordeal.”

“We will do everything we can to make sure they are helped through this time and also to make sure no stone is left unturned in the investigation,” the police department added. 

This bizarre and terrifying kidnapping comes as California reels from out-of-control crime and homelessness. 

Under the watch of radical Democrats over the last several decades, homelessness has skyrocketed, with many underpasses and streets in California littered with tents. 

Rather than address the rise in homelessness, lawmakers in the Golden State have made it easier than ever to become homeless, providing many with clean drug needles, and a long list of generous benefits. 

Radical Democrats have created America’s homelessness problem 

Instead of finding ways to get homeless people off the streets, many “woke” lawmakers have made it their mission to make it as comfortable as ever to live on the streets. 

In many homeless camps across California, homeless people steal electricity and enjoy free food, free healthcare, and free drug paraphernalia. 

These handouts have incentivized people to stay on the streets, creating a crisis of unprecedented proportions. 

Not only has crime flourished as a result, but taxpayers have also been forced to foot the substantial bill that such policies have created. 

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.

Far-left Democrats opposed a child safety law for one reason that will make you furious


Democrats enjoy a supermajority in the state of California.

They use that legislative advantage to pass countless kooky laws.

And far-left Democrats opposed one child safety law that will make you furious.

The takeover of the Democrat Party by wild leftists is no more apparent than in the Golden State.

California has become the poster child for radical legislation and policies.

California Democrats defend sex traffickers

In the latest example, California Democrats watered down a bill that called for an increased punishment for child prostitution.

It is currently a misdemeanor in California to solicit a minor for sex; SB1414 would raise the punishment to a felony.

Democrats opposed that for the “woke” insanity that you would expect.

A Democrat state legislator argued, “We’re particularly concerned that the harsher penalties proposed in this bill will disproportionately impact marginalized communities, especially members of the LGBTQ community, who already suffer from systematic biases within the criminal justice system, particularly when it comes to sexually-based offenses. Studies have shown that LGBTQ people, particularly gay and transgender individuals, are more likely to be charged with sex offenses compared to their heterosexual counterparts.”

According to the Democrats, the law would “disproportionately impact” the LGBTQ community, therefore it must be watered down.

This is how insane the Democrats have become.

Reason magazine, a left-leaning libertarian publication, argued that the original bill was unnecessarily punitive because perpetrators could be charged if they did not know they were soliciting a minor, but that was not the thrust of the argument from the Democrats.

They were more concerned about the disparate impact on “marginalized communities.”

“Woke” takeover of California effectively complete

It’s “woke” intersectionality all the way down.

State Senator Shannon Grove, a Republican co-sponsor of the bill, wrote on social media, “Don’t be fooled by the Public Safety Chairs’ announcement that they restored a felony for purchasing children in SB 1414. Today the Assembly Public Safety Committee amended SB 1414, making it even harder to protect 16 and 17 year old children. In order for 16 and 17 year olds to have additional protections, they must first prove to be victims of human trafficking. Now, two crimes must be proven, the buying AND the selling of a child, before a buyer can receive a stronger penalty. ALL children deserve to be protected equally. When will the Public Safety Committees prioritize the protection of all children over perpetrators?”

Grove makes a good point.

Democrats are overly concerned with the criminal over the victim.

For instance, California enacted a law that reduced the penalty from a felony to a misdemeanor for knowingly infecting a sexual partner with HIV.

When the bill was signed into law, State Senator Scott Wiener argued that “societal and medical understanding of HIV has greatly improved. Effective treatments dramatically lengthen and improve the quality of life for people living with HIV — treatments that also nearly eliminate the possibility of transmission. . .HIV is a public health issue, not a criminal issue.”

The inmates are running the asylum in California.

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.

Rapper’s efforts brought justice to a criminal after his eye-popping attack was caught on video


The City of Brotherly Love has turned into a dangerous place, especially in recent years.

But amid the rampant criminal activity there are those that are on the side of innocent victims.

Now a rapper’s efforts led to justice after a Philadelphia woman was attacked on video.

An unsettling incident occurred on June 23rd inside a Dollar Tree store on Snyder Avenue in the city of Philadelphia.

A vicious attack caught on video

A man was caught on video masturbating onto a woman’s leg inside the store.

The suspect was then chased from the store, presumably by the woman he had attacked.

He fled and police later confirmed that the man captured on the video was wanted in connection with the incident.

In the video, the woman could be heard saying, “He f*cking n*tted on my f*cking leg! You go to hell, b*tch!”

Police originally identified the man as a black male, 25 to 30 years old and about 6 feet tall.

Local rapper Meek Mill got word of the incident and was incensed by what had happened.

A rapper rouses the community to act

He offered a $2,000 bounty on social media for anyone able to track down the attacker.

On X, he posted, “Let’s play manhunt with him today in Philly some community service ….  I got 2 bands for his lo??? But you gotta connect.”

Seemingly, that was enough of an incentive for store employees to come forward and identify the suspect as one Gary Miles.

Miles was known to congregate around the store and below the adjacent I-95 underpass.

It took the police a while to track him down, and during the search they released photos of Miles wearing a shirt with a candy cane graphic on it, along with the words, “It’s not going to lick itself.”

Miles may have overestimated the community’s disfavor for snitching.

Within hours after Mill’s social media post, police announced that Miles had turned himself in.

In a statement, the Philadelphia Police Department said, “The PPD extends its gratitude to the public for their assistance in locating Mr. Miles. Additional updates, including charges and a mugshot, will be provided once charging is complete.”

Violent crime continues to be a major problem in the city.

While the number of homicides last year declined to 410 from 501 in 2022, this is still a higher rate than the average during the 2010s.

Unlike the city’s violent crime and homicide, the number of property crimes, like car and retail thefts, skyrocketed in 2023. 

The total number of major crimes — which is the combined tally of violent crime and property crime — reached a 20-year high, according to WHYY.

The high crime rate comes at a time when the city is facing an opioid epidemic.

The city recorded an estimated 1,300 unintentional drug overdose deaths in 2023, the seventh straight year with more than 1,100 such deaths reported.

Philadelphia’s rate of drug overdose deaths reached a staggering 78.9 for every 100,000 residents in 2023.

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.

Nancy Pelosi’s reaction to a reporter’s question just proved the scope of Democrat panic


Democrats are in a real bind these days over the future of the current presidential campaign.

Democrats see that Joe Biden seems less capable by the day but have so far been unable to get him to step aside.

Now Nancy Pelosi’s reaction to a reporter’s question just proved the scope of Democrat panic.

She may no longer be a party leader in an official capacity, but she still holds significant sway over the Democrats’ caucus.

That’s why the latest words from Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) have shaken up the political world.

There’s been an intra-party rift among Democrats ever since Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance in Atlanta on June 27th.

On one side there is a group that is eager to turn the page and to pressure Joe Biden to get out of the race because they fear he is likely to lose to Donald Trump in November.

The opposing group is still fearful that Biden may lose to Trump but because they worry even more about what may happen if Kamala Harris becomes their standard bearer, it may be better to stick with the devil they know.

A weird game of back and forth has occurred in recent days as to which group has the upper hand in this debate, but after George Clooney’s op-ed in the New York Times, more and more Democrats seem to be convinced that the better play is to try to muscle Biden out of the race.

Pelosi: Even though you’ve decided to run, Joe….decide again

In an appearance on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Pelosi said it was up to Joe Biden “to decide if he was going to run.”

Pelosi is well aware of Biden’s obstinate refusal to get out of the race, and so her words have been more regarded as a suggestion to Biden to revisit the choice he has already made.

At the same time, though, it’s pretty obvious that Pelosi is less than thrilled to be in a position where she has to publicly pick a side.

When she encountered ABC reporter Rachel Scott in a hallway and Scott attempted to get Pelosi to tip her hand a bit more obviously on the Biden question, Pelosi got snippy.

She insisted that she would not answer questions about “the fate of our nation” in the hallway.

But Scott was undeterred and politely pressed on.

Pelosi puts her snippiness on full display

At this point the twice-ousted Speaker of the House showed her true colors.

She said to Scott, “Am I speaking English to you? I’m not going to be making any statements about any of that right now in the hallway.”

The spectacle of Democrat elected officials getting just a taste of the treatment for the last two weeks that Republicans have gotten for decades is truly a sight to behold.

But it perfectly encapsulates the sheer panic that is ongoing on the left side of the political aisle.

Whether Biden stays or goes, there are no good answers to the challenges Democrats face in an election season where Donald Trump is much better positioned than any of them expected him to be with less than four months to go until Election Day.

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.

Ben Shapiro trips Eric Swalwell up after his failed attempt to corner him backfires


He’s found himself in the news for all the wrong reasons on multiple occasions.

But one California congressman is a legend in his own mind and seemingly unaware of how he comes across.

Now, Eric Swalwell tried to corner Ben Shapiro and it went about as well as expected.

Swalwell’s got a checkered past

Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA), was allegedly honey-potted by the Chinese spy Christine Fang, also known as Fang Fang, from 2011-2015. 

Axios reported that Fang Fang “took part in fundraising activity for Swalwell’s 2014 re-election campaign” and helped place an intern into Swalwell’s office.

Eventually, CIA spooks alerted Swalwell to the potential that his paramour was actually a Chinese spy.

After that, Swalwell quickly cut ties with Fang Fang and she left the country.

He emerged sore from the entire experience but not necessarily wiser.

A few years later, Rep. Troy Nehls (R-TX) entertainingly needled Swalwell about the ordeal in a Judiciary Subcommittee hearing on Immigration Integrity, Security and Enforcement.

Swalwell took particular umbrage at the suggestion that he had a “checkered past.”

Swalwell just committed another self-own

Swalwell attempted to best conservative commentator Ben Shapiro in a battle of wits during a Congressional committee hearing concerning “media collusion.”

But just as Swalwell didn’t carefully consider Fang Fang’s motivations, his decision to engage with Shapiro was also not very well-conceived.

Word has gotten out from Democrat operatives that their latest battle plan is to tie Donald Trump and Republicans to Project 2025, a collection of conservative proposals from the Heritage Foundation think tank to reshape the federal government.

Donald Trump had previously said of said proposals, “I know nothing about Project 2025…I have no idea who is behind it. I disagree with some of the things they’re saying and some of the things they’re saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal. Anything they do, I wish them luck, but I have nothing to do with them.” 

Swalwell, ever eager to dutifully go along with any plan to paint Republicans in a bad light, facts be damned, tried to paint Shapiro into a corner by picking apart details of the plan.

Swalwell said to Shapiro, “I think it is important that you’re here as one of the leading conservative voices in the country. How about banning the abortion pill? That’s part of Project 2025. Do you support that part?”

Shapiro didn’t flinch and answered, “I’m a fully pro-life person, which means that I’m not in favor of the distribution of the abortion pill.”

Swalwell returned with, “And just because we found some receipts, you did say, I think homosexual activity is a sin.”

Here too, Shapiro didn’t miss a beat.

He answered, “Yes, I’m a religious Jew, You found me out.”

Swalwell then tried one more time with, “And you said, ‘I may have a desire to sleep with many women, but I do not.’”

Shapiro replied, “I agree with me.”

At one point, Shapiro completely stepped on Swalwell’s attempt to get Shapiro to admit to being a supporter of Heritage’s proposals.

He even got in a dig at Joe Biden as well.

Shapiro said, “Like President Trump, I haven’t looked all that deeply at Project 2025, but it seems that Democrats on this committee are sort of like Peter Pan and Tinker Bell. If they say Project 2025 enough, their presidential candidate becomes alive again.”

And that’s really what all this is about.

Democrats have no positive record to run on.

They have a presidential candidate that is incoherent and uninspiring, so instead they are trying to rev their base up by fomenting fear.

It’s…a strategy, but it’s obviously coming from a position of weakness and, at least as of now, seems unlikely to work.

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.

Democrat stronghold is experiencing a crimewave for one reason that will make you roll your eyes


Joe Biden has left the Democrat Party in shambles.

But the party has far more problems than the top of the Presidential ticket.

And a Democrat stronghold is experiencing a crimewave for one infuriating reason.

Biden dragging down his party

Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance against Donald Trump has thrown the Democrat Party into chaos.

A civil war has broken out inside the party with half calling for Biden to step down.

Democrats are worried about the 2024 election, and not just the Presidential race, but down-ballot as well.

The Left are even worried about New York.

Democratic Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine said, “We’re still acting like this is a one-party state, which for pretty much 20, 25 years it has been. . .I truly believe we’re a battleground state now.”

If New York truly is a “battleground state,” then Biden is going to get eviscerated in November.

One reason why New Yorkers could be uneasy about Biden and the Democrats is because of the rising crime.

Democrats claim that crime is down, but they’re drawing comparisons to 2020 when crime spiked out of control due to the George Floyd riots.

In reality, violent crime has not returned to 2019 levels.

New York state of crime

In fact, armed robberies are up even in posh neighborhoods.

Illegal aliens from Venezuela have been robbing Brooklyn patrons, then speeding off on scooters.

The New York Times reported, “The robbery in the heart of Williamsburg — a once-bohemian enclave in North Brooklyn now home to designer clothing stores and glassy towers — alarmed and unsettled both foodies and residents. And it was just one in a string of similar robberies in and around some of Brooklyn’s and Lower Manhattan’s most in-vogue establishments in the past month. In each case, the perpetrators have swiped luxury watches from diners, according to the police, including, in one episode, a timepiece worth $100,000.”

Democrats have no problem ignoring crime when it occurs in predominantly black neighborhoods, but as soon as they can no longer insulate themselves, they ring the alarm.

Allyson Stone, board member of the North Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce said, “We haven’t had crime like this penetrate the neighborhood in a very long time.”

One Brooklynite who witnessed a brazen robbery told The Times, “It did surprise me in a neighborhood like Williamsburg.”

He added that Williamsburg was a “higher income, more gentrified neighborhood,” and local residents “have an expectation that, like, that kind of stuff doesn’t happen.”

So people who don’t live in “higher income” areas just have to deal with the high crime because the college-educated liberals demand it.

Steve Zofcin, a 13-year resident of the neighborhood, told The Times, “That’s just part of living in a city. . .You’re more likely to get bit by a person in New York than a shark.”

But it does not have to be “part and parcel” of living in a big city.

Pro-crime policies are a choice, not an inevitability.

Illegal aliens who are robbing people should not even be in the country.

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.

Brandon Johnson dropped jaws with who he blamed for Chicago’s epidemic of violence


For radicals and far-left politicians of every stripe, these are harrowing times.

They fought for radical change and, now that they’ve gotten it, the results aren’t pretty.

Now Brandon Johnson dropped jaws with who he blamed for Chicago’s epidemic of violence.

One of the benefits of being a completely out-of-touch radical leftist is never having to say you’re sorry.

We’ve seen countless examples of this over the years.

According to Fox News, Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson (D) referred to the ‘defund the police’ movement as ‘our effort’ in July 2020.

He was far from the only Democrat official to do so and after similar calls by prominent Democrats were made, crime predictably skyrocketed.

The same pattern holds true with immigration.

For years, the same soft-on-crime but tough on law enforcement politicians were all in on declaring their cities to be sanctuaries for illegal aliens.

When Joe Biden threw open our nation’s southern border, millions of migrants crossed into the United States, with tens of thousands arriving in already crime-infested, Democrat-run major cities, including Chicago.

In just the span of four days, this extent of societal breakdown in the Windy City became abundantly clear.

According to WGN, in Brandon Johnson’s Chicago, 109 people were shot, with 19 resulting in death over the Independence Day weekend.

Johnson effectively declared his own independence – from any of the blame – even though he is personally responsible for figuratively handcuffing police and thus turning them into glorified social workers.

Incredibly, Johnson, ever the dedicated Bolshevik, had an excuse ready for the July 4th bloodbath that would almost have been awe-inspiring if not so laughable and offensive.

Johnson: Don’t blame me for the hellscape on my watch, blame the ghost of a dead Republican

Rather than simply saying, “I am not a crook,” the Mayor decided instead to deflect the blame and scapegoat…President Richard Nixon.

Johnson said, with a straight face, “Black death has unfortunately been accepted in this country for a very long time. We had a chance 60 years ago to get at the root causes and people mocked President [Lyndon] Johnson, and we ended up with Richard Nixon.”

The mayor would do well to remember that it was 18 Democrats and only one Republican that filibustered the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

There’s also the matter that even MSNBC admits that Lyndon Johnson was a well-known racist who frequently used the n-word.

According to Lyndon Johnson biographer Robert Caro, when discussing civil rights legislation with politicians like Mississippi Democrat James Eastland, who committed most of his life to defending white supremacy, the former president would simply call it “the n***er bill.”

Richard Nixon Foundation: Reference to President Nixon is gratuitous and the facts are not on Johnson’s side

The Richard Nixon Foundation rightly took umbrage at Brandon Johnson’s words, replying on X, “Mayor Johnson’s reference to President Nixon is gratuitous and the facts are not on his side in his characterization of Richard Nixon and the Nixon administration’s civil rights record.”

In the end, the real issue at hand is the murderous mess that Windy City residents now find themselves in on a daily basis.

The mayor has no intention of any introspection to come to terms with why the city is in its current predicament and would rather cast blame on others.

That means Chicago residents shouldn’t expect any change of course with the current leadership and that is the real tragedy.

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.

Philly lawmakers make an about-face as these pandemic-era policies wreck the economy


Once the pandemic started to spread in 2020, lawmakers shut down the country without any thought about the long-term consequences of such shutdowns. 

Four years later, many cities are still paying the price for these shutdowns. 

And Philly lawmakers make an about-face as these pandemic policies wreck the economy. 

Philadelphia is doing everything in its power to repulse businesses and investment 

During the pandemic, the Democrat-controlled city of Philadelphia completely shut down, forcing many Americans to work from home. 

Philadelphia’s strict mask mandates, social distancing requirements, and restrictive business measures made life in the so-called “City of Brotherly Love” practically unlivable. However, like many other cities that implemented restrictive pandemic measures, Philadelphia has paid a steep price. 

After forcing workers to work from home, many businesses and public entities changed their business models, incorporating work from home into their long-term strategy. 

However, this means that many office buildings, including prominent skyscrapers in Philadelphia, remain empty. 

This has caused considerable economic grief for property owners, as well as the businesses that rely on commuters, such as coffee shops and restaurants. 

In an attempt to alleviate these problems, Philadelphia Mayor Cherelle Parker approved a measure, forcing workers to come back into the office. 

On Wednesday morning, Parker conducted a press conference, telling reporters “I made a decision that I stand by firmly and that is in order to make good on that promise to you that I need Philadelphia’s municipal workforce to return to office to provide valuable support and services to youth.”

“I hope that it is evident to you that I am trying to go to war. I am at war. I’m at war with the status quo here in the city of Philadelphia, trying to use every tool possible to do the best I can with what I have as your mayor, to make good on the commitment that I’ve made to each of you,” the furious mayor added. 

This order applies to 4,500 city employees, who either work from home or take part in a work-from-home hybrid plan, where they come into the office for a portion of the week. 

Parker’s plan has met considerable blowback from workers and unions who view these requirements as unrealistic. 

The District Council 47 union for example has already filed a lawsuit against Parker, meaning that the implementation of this requirement may take longer than expected, if at all. 

Mayor Cherelle Parker has not learned a single thing from the pandemic 

If there is one thing that the radical Left loves, it is coercion. 

Rather than allowing individuals to make choices that work best for them and their employees, Politicians like Parker want to impose their will in any way they can. Such tyrannical behavior foments dissent and distrust amongst employees, leading to a broken political system and a broken society. 

Not to mention, these policies are likely to backfire.

Businesses not looking to pay an arm and a leg for office space are likely already calling their realtors.

This will leave workers who must go into the office vulnerable to losing their jobs when the employers flee the city. 

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.