Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs ‘unlawfully’ changed election rules with these despicable actions


As the November elections loom ever larger, election integrity is becoming a huge issue.

Election fraud is a growing problem, and Democrats are using it to their full advantage.

And Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs ‘unlawfully’ changed election rules with these despicable actions.

The Republican Party of Arizona filed a lawsuit against Arizona Democrat Governor Katie Hobbs, claiming two of her executive orders “unlawfully” and “unilaterally” altered the state’s current election laws.

A “blatant overreach of her authority”

Arizona Republican Chairwoman Gina Swoboda sued Hobbs over Executive Order 23, Authorizing the Use of State Facilities as Voting Locations, and Executive Order 25, Facilitating Voter Registration.

She called the governor’s actions a “blatant overreach of her authority,” the Arizona Capitol Times reported.

Hobbs issued the orders in November 2023. 

Executive Order 23 named the Arizona Department of Juvenile Corrections and the Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reentry, and other state-run agencies, as ballot drop-off locations. 

Executive Order 25 designated those state departments as “Voter Registration Assistance Agencies” that are to “distribute voter registration forms, assist applicants in completing voter registration forms, and accept completed voter registration forms.”

According to the lawsuit, Hobbs “exceeded, and is therefore unlawfully exercising, her authority as Governor, in issuing EO 23 and EO 25.” 

It also argued that both executive actions are “unconstitutional and void.”

“Petitioners seek to enjoin Governor Hobbs from enforcing EO 23 and EO 25 on the grounds they exceed the powers granted her by the Arizona Constitution and Arizona statutes, violate the separation of powers regarding the Legislature’s authority to enact election laws; and usurp the powers lawfully granted to the Secretary of State regarding the designation of Voter Registration Agencies and county recorders regarding ballot drop-off locations,” the complaint read. “EO 23 and EO 25 are contrary to law because, in issuing these executive orders, the Governor usurped the authority of the Legislature by unilaterally changed duly-enacted election laws.”

It noted that Hobbs’ executive orders fail to address other “important issues,” including “where to store completed ballots until they can be sent to the appropriate election officials or keeping a chain-of-custody log for these completed ballots.”

Unlawfully and unconstitutionally changing the rules

The lawsuit requests the court to declare the two executive actions unconstitutional, prevent Hobbs from enforcing the orders, and “issue a writ of quo warrant to prohibit Governor Hobbs from unlawfully exercising authority she lacks to change election laws.”

In a video posted on X, Swoboda explained, “The governor’s office does not have the authority, under the constitution or under any statutory authority, to designate voter registration agencies and definitely not to designate ballot drop-off locations or voting locations.”

Hobbs press aide, Liliana Soto, told the Arizona Capitol Times that the lawsuit was “frivolous” and claimed the governor was using her “lawful authority” to protect voting rights.

And Hobbs’ general counsel, Bo Dul, argued the executive orders “further the important goals of increasing Arizonans’ access to voter registration.”

One thing is sure, Hobbs and Democrats like her, continue to try and change the rules mid-stream to try and win in November.

They not only ignore election fraud, but promote it.

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for more on this developing story.

Elon Musk was in stitches when he saw one video from the DNC


The Democratic National Convention in Chicago is mercifully over.

Kamala Harris and the Democrats spewed hot air for four straight days.

But Elon Musk was in stitches when he saw one video from the DNC.

Democrats own being weird

Perhaps the most bizarre attack that Democrats have hurled at Republicans is that they are “weird.”

Democrats and their media allies have accused Donald Trump, Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH), and the GOP of being weird.

This is coming from the party of abortion on demand up to nine months, and irreversible transgender surgeries for minors.

The Left embrace the fact that they are a collection of freaks, but it’s the Republicans who are “weird.”

However, the Democrats’ weirdness was on full display at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, and comedian Lionel McGloin was there to chronicle it.

McGloin went to the event, and everyone there assumed he was a Democrat even though he pokes fun at both sides.

During one exchange, he asked a woman, “Would you rather have a democracy, or access to abortions?”

She was stumped by the question.

“I guess access to abortions,” she relented.

So killing babies is more important than having a functional society.

The Democrats were even offering free abortions and free vasectomies outside the DNC.

Member of Congress trolled

McGloin asked Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY), “Can we please. . .have a higher tax bracket for rich white men?”

Nadler answered, “Well, if we have a Democratic Congress, we certainly will.”

The Democrats are so radical that these troll questions are just considered normal rhetoric.

McGloin later asked New York Attorney General Letitia James, “Are you worried Donald Trump is going to weaponize the justice system if he gets in power?”

James then started ranting about Project 2025, unaware that McGloin was mocking her for weaponizing New York state law against Trump.

James campaigned for Attorney General on the promise that she would “get” Trump.

She could not find any evidence of criminal wrongdoing, so she found some arcane law in order to bring a civil suit against Trump.

Trump had to pay an asinine $175 million bond just to appeal the $354 million judgment against him.

McGloin later asked fired CNN host Chris Cuomo for his best pickup line for women.

“I’ll pay,” Cuomo responded.

McGloin asked another woman, “Who are the cuties in the Democratic Party that are speaking?”

She answered, “I don’t know. Talk to anyone who lives in D.C. It’s hard to find a cute Democrat.” 

“Oh, my God,” said McGloin. “Shots fired.”

She replied, “Ask anyone who lives in D.C. and who works in Democratic politics. It’s hard to find the cute ones.”

“The Republican guys are hotter?” asked McGloin.

She answered, “Yeah, but they’re evil, so, like, I don’t know!”

Elon Musk saw the video and responded, “So good.”

The Democrats have become so weird that it’s nearly impossible to separate sincerity from satire.

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.

Joe Biden was red with rage when he saw one governor yukking it up with the Obama Bros


Barack Obama was treated like a messianic figure by the media.

He still has a major hand in Democrat Party politics.

And Joe Biden was red with rage when he saw one governor yukking it up with the Obama Bros.

The “joyful” coup

Joe Biden was forced out of the 2024 Presidential race by Democrat Party bosses after his horrendous debate performance against Donald Trump.

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Barack Obama, and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) essentially made Biden a Godfather offer that he could not refuse.

After weeks of defiantly staying in the race, Biden finally relented.

It was a coup.

The Democrats are not even denying it.

New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd, who’s friendly with Pelosi, wrote an opinion piece titled, “The Dems Are Delighted. But a Coup Is Still a Coup.”

When asked in an interview if her friendship with Biden could survive this incident, Pelosi responded, “I hope so. I pray so. I cry so.”

Pelosi was less conciliatory when asked at the DNC about Democrat frustration at the anti-democratic process of ousting Biden.

She said, “I have my relationship with the president, and I just wanted to win this election. So if they’re upset, I’m sorry for them, but the country is very happy. . .I don’t know who they are, but that’s their problem.”

And Governor Gavin Newsom was laughing about the whole episode with the Pod Save America co-hosts, who have been called the Obama Bros; they were all staffers for Barack Obama.

“The Switch”

Co-host Jon Favreau asked Newsom, “How are you feeling about the switch?”

Everyone broke into laughter.

“The switch,” said Newsom. He then affected a fake-serious tone and continued, “Now we went through a very open process, a very inclusive process. It was bottom-up. I don’t know if you know that. That’s what I’ve been told to say.”

Favreau joked, “It was a blitz primary, I believe that’s what they called it.”

Newsom added, “A 30-minute convention between. . .a tweet and another tweet.”

The Governor then tried to turn sincere and said, “What is amazing is how unified everybody is. I mean, it’s  next-level.”

Independent journalist Glenn Greenwald called out the disgusting display of glee at the anti-democratic process.

Greenwald wrote, “The Party of Democracy sits around guffawing at how anti-democratic and vote-free and secret was their process for choosing and then imposing the new Democratic presidential nominee on the country.”

Biden had to have been seething when he saw the interview.

The Bidens do not like the Obamas, and they certainly do not like the Obama Bros.

After Biden’s horrific debate night, the Biden team not-so-subtly went after the Pod Save America hosts, who were critical of Biden.

The Biden statement called out “operatives who worked for a cerebral, cool-guy president and never understood the world according to the scrappy kid from Scranton.”

It was an obvious shot at Obama and the podcast hosts.

Do not buy the “joy” nonsense that the Democrats are selling.

Democrat elites are at each other’s throats.

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.

Elizabeth Warren leaves parents up in arms after laughing in their faces over their concerns


Under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ watch, thousands of illegal aliens have flooded into America.

Many of these illegal aliens have made their way to America’s urban centers, straining resources, and overwhelming lawmakers.

But Elizabeth Warren burst out laughing as angry parents voiced their concerns.

Boston’s illegal immigration crisis has spiraled out of control

Cities across America have become overrun with illegal aliens who have come into America across the practically wide-open southern border with Mexico.

Lawmakers such as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, along with their allies in the Senate, such as Elizabeth Warren have allowed this mass migration to unfold.

Elizabeth Warren’s home state of Massachusetts is no exception.

Illegal aliens have practically taken over part of the state, especially the city of Boston.

Many parts of Boston have reached a breaking point when it comes to migrants. 

Lawmakers are now forced to take drastic actions, often at the detriment of the people they claim to represent.

Just last week, parents across the city of Boston were given a disturbing message as their children prepared to go back to school. 

Due to the massive influx of illegal aliens, lawmakers have diverted public school buses to help transport these illegal aliens across the city.

As a result, many public school bus routes have been cut, forcing parents to find other ways to get their children to school. 

Superintendent of Schools Joseph Baeta issued a letter to parents on the matter, telling parents, “Unfortunately, for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year, 150 secondary students who signed up to ride a bus were not able to be placed on a bus. Those families not receiving bus transportation were notified this week. Those receiving bus transportation will receive their bus postcards the week of August 19.”

“We understand the feelings of disappointment and frustration this caused for the families who did not receive bus transportation. We feel it is important to explain this situation to all of our families to allow you to better understand how we arrived at this point,” Baeta’s letter added. 

Other Democrat-controlled cities across the country have made similar decisions, including New York City’s decision to house illegal aliens in public school buildings.

This means that taxpayers in the city of Boston and New York City have become second-class citizens. 

The people who claim to represent them are putting their needs and priorities dead last.

Democrats have completely turned their backs on the people of Boston

In many parts of America, such as Boston, lawmakers have responded to the ongoing immigration crisis by providing illegal aliens with lavish handouts.

American citizens have paid the price, with resources for their families being slashed. 

Unfortunately for these people, America’s Southern border with Mexico remains wide open. 

Experts predict that if Kamala Harris wins the presidency this November, America’s border crisis will only get worse, inflicting further pain on millions of Americans.

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.

L.A. foodies are devastated after this landmark makes a concerning announcement


Many American cities have become overrun with homeless camps and drug houses. 

Previously thriving downtown areas have turned into complete war zones, with drug needles covering the streets. 

And L.A. foodies are devastated after this landmark makes a concerning announcement.

This iconic Los Angeles establishment can’t take it anymore

People cannot get out of California fast enough, especially in large Californian cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco.

In Los Angeles, thousands of people have fled the City of Angels, resulting in many businesses shutting down as business owners, customers, and employees run for the hills.

Out of control crime coupled with an ever-expanding homelessness crisis has overwhelmed Los Angeles in recent years. 

Rather than address these issues, Democrat lawmakers have made it easier than ever to do drugs and live on the streets.

Businesses, such as the iconic Langer’s Deli, now have to decide if owning and operating their business is worth the risk. 

Langer’s Deli, which has operated in downtown Los Angeles for 77 years, just made it clear that they have grown sick and tired of the crime and depravity in downtown Los Angeles, and may close up soon. 

Norm Langer, who has operated the business for most of his life, told The Los Angeles Times that he is considering closing. 

While speaking to The Los Angeles Times, Langer said that he hopes city officials will invest in “improved lighting, increased police patrols, social services outreach and targeted clean-up efforts.” 

Los Angeles Times columnist Steve Lopez noted, “the more I talked to Langer, the more I got the sense that he’d rather keep his business running than walk away.”

Deputy Mayor Zach Seidl has spoken out on this matter, saying that Karen Bass’ office has reached out to Langer directly. 

Seidl added that, “Supporting local businesses like Langers is a top priority, not just through direct aid and resources but also through addressing homelessness and crime … Urgent action on all fronts will continue.”

However, business owners in downtown Los Angeles agree that little to nothing has been done to improve conditions. 

News reports of horrific crimes continue to make headlines every day in this dangerous part of the city. 

Los Angeles went from America’s most desirable city to the city people cannot get out of fast enough

Following the turn of the century, people flocked to Los Angeles in droves.

People came from far and wide to enjoy the year round temperate weather and the numerous business opportunities.

These days, people cannot get out fast enough as Democrat lawmakers fail to get a grip on crime and homelessness. 

Business owners have felt the brunt of this inaction, with homelessness and theft wreaking havoc on their businesses. 

Many of these business owners would rather cut their losses and move to places where lawmakers actually enforce crime rather than rewarding it.

Businesses fleeing Los Angeles is one of the many reasons why one-way U-Haul rentals out of the Golden State continue to skyrocket year after year.

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.

Mothers are clutching to their babies after the unthinkable happens in the nation’s capital


Many Americans can remember the first time they visited Washington, D.C. to gaze at the magnificent monuments and tour the awe-inspiring museums. 

However, Washington, D.C. has become ravaged by out-of-control violence and rampant homelessness, making school trips to Washington, D.C. a dangerous gamble. 

And mothers are clutching to their babies after the unthinkable happens in the nation’s capital.

This gruesome and horrifying crime has made headlines across the globe 

Every year, millions of tourists flock to Washington, D.C. to visit all of the magnificent sites across the nation’s capital. 

For many foreign tourists, Washington, D.C. serves as a representation of the rest of the United States.

Unfortunately, Washington, D.C. has become overrun with violent crime, drug use, and homelessness. 

Rather than address any of these plagues, Washington, D.C. lawmakers have refused to take action. 

Chaos has ensued, putting tourists, commuters, and residents in great danger. 

However, mothers everywhere were nearly brought to tears after a crime took place that made headlines all over. 

Just last Thursday at roughly 11:30 PM, police responded to reports of an unconscious child.

Witnesses saw the child face down and unaccompanied in the busy 1800 block of 18th Street SE.

Upon arrival, police officers discovered the child, a one-year-old, who they quickly transferred to EMS responders. 

These first responders rushed the infant to the hospital, but to no avail. 

After trying to revive the small child, medical professionals pronounced him dead at around 1 am. 

Police have since ruled the death of this one-year-old boy as a homicide, however, they have yet to release any more details on the matter. 

According to the police, the child suffered from blunt force trauma to the head, killing him quickly. 

Although this horrific murder represents one of the most depraved crimes in recent memory in D.C., it also represents a disturbing trend in this crime-ridden city.

Murders, robberies, and shootings have become a part of daily life for the millions of people who visit, work, and live in the nation’s capital. 

Democrat lawmakers have failed to make any meaningful progress on this front, evidenced by the hundreds of murders that happen on a regular basis. 

People are terrified to visit Washington, D.C. as crime rates soar 

Many Americans picture their capital as a pristine place, full of stunning marble buildings. 

However, a drive through D.C. reveals that this city has become a wasteland, with radical far-left lawmakers finding new and creative ways to destroy the city. 

Even federal lawmakers cannot escape Washington D.C.’s violence, with reports of armed robberies against members of Congress emerging on a regular basis. 

Democrat Congressman Angie Craig of Minnesota was punched in the elevator of her D.C. apartment while her fellow Democrat, Congressman Henry Cuellar of Texas, was recently carjacked at gunpoint outside of his home near the capitol as well.

Until D.C. lawmakers get serious about crime, then this trend will only get worse in the coming years. 

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.

News outlet linked to Soros is exposed as paid propaganda for far-left agenda in this swing state


‘Misinformation’ is the latest buzzword in corporate media circles, but the term is very selectively applied.

It’s never applied even to false stories if the worldview matches that of the political elites.

Now this new Nevada “news” site has been outed as a propaganda outlet paid for by Soros.

Far-left billionaire George Soros has long attempted to use his money and influence to radically change American politics and the structure of society as a whole.

By any reasonable measure, he’s succeeded immensely.

It hasn’t been good for America, but Soros’ influence can’t be denied.

He’s singularly responsible for bankrolling radical district attorneys in multiple deep-blue jurisdictions across the country.

These prosecutors who won’t prosecute have contributed to skyrocketing rates of crime where they have come to power in addition to a general decline in safety and living conditions for those unfortunate enough to live in those communities.

That would be bad enough, but Soros hasn’t stopped there.

Soros is working on yet another way to transform America

He’s also funded fake news networks that peddle straight-up lies to unsuspecting consumers.

Courier Newsroom is an organization largely funded by billionaire George Soros.

It already had digital outlets in battleground states such as Arizona, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin. 

Now there is word that Courier is launching additional newsrooms in Nevada, Texas, and New Hampshire, according to a report by Axios.

The problem is that what Soros is peddling is simply bogus, and has been for years.

NewsGuard is a nonpartisan media watchdog group.

In 2020, it exposed Courier as a “clandestine political operation” that has “deceived” voters.

According to NewsGuard, readers who signed up for the Courier’s newsletter believed that they were getting local news coverage, but instead, soon found they were getting political content.

One outlandish claim made was that Donald Trump would bring back a military draft if elected. 

He never said it and never alluded to it.

Trump also had previously spoken out after a Washington Post article that made similar claims.

The outlet has also run Facebook ads propping up Democrat Sen. Jackie Rosen, who faces a tight reelection race against her Republican challenger, Army veteran Sam Brown, praising her decision to sign onto legislation to exempt tips from taxes. 

What was purposely omitted was that Rosen’s campaign had initially denounced the proposal when Trump unveiled it at a June 9th rally in Las Vegas.

A dirty political bait-and-switch

One former Courier employee told NOTUS, a Washington publication from the nonprofit, nonpartisan Allbritton Journalism Institute, in March, “The goal was to get persuadable voters engaged with unassuming content, then feed them political persuasion content, using underwriters who would pay Courier to come up with the content.”

The Federal Election Committee ruled in 2022 that Courier was exempt from requirements to reveal financial disclosures because it has qualified as a news organization, despite the group’s spending of millions of dollars in Facebook ads to prop up Democrats.

One underappreciated aspect of a change in leadership is a change in the makeup of the federal bureaucracy.

That is just one more reason to hope for a shift in political winds this November.

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.

Mother of girl slain by illegal alien joins Trump at his Arizona border speech


The refusal of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to secure our nation’s border has had disastrous consequences.

Criminal acts committed by illegal aliens as a result of this failure have been as far-reaching as they are devastating.

Now the mother of a girl slain by an illegal alien joined Trump at his Arizona border speech.

On Thursday, former President Donald Trump is touring the Southern border in Cochise County, Arizona.

It was a stark contrast to the actions of his Democrat opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris.

Biden and Harris have blown it on the border

Under the Biden-Harris administration, over ten million illegal aliens have crossed into the United States since 2021, when Trump-era border policies were purposely and recklessly discarded.

Shortly after he assumed the presidency, Joe Biden appointed Harris to lead “our efforts with Mexico and the Northern Triangle and the countries that help — are going to need help in stemming the movement of so many folks, stemming the migration to our southern border.”

At the time, Joe Biden claimed she was “the most qualified person to do it.”

It’s entirely possible or even probable that Biden simply forgot those words.

Harris’ handlers are hoping that the rest of the American voting population is equally as forgetful.

A slew of violent attacks, committed by some of the very same people to which Biden and Harris may as well have said “Buenos días” have rocked innocent communities across the nation.

An illegal alien from Venezuela named Jose Antonio Ibarra was charged with allegedly murdering nursing student Laken Riley, 22, at the University of Georgia in Athens earlier this year.

Ibarra had been freed because of a lack of detention space exacerbated by the illegal influx.

Another high-profile victim was Rachel Morin, who was murdered in August 2023 while out for a run on a pedestrian trail in Bel Air, Maryland. 

Morin’s murderer, 23-year-old Victor Martinez-Hernandez, was also in the country illegally. 

Last week, Morin’s mother, Patti, joined Donald Trump on the border in Cochise County, Arizona.

She highlighted in heart-breaking terms the consequences of inaction on security.

Morin said, “Hi, I was just thanking President Trump for the invitation to come and to share Rachel’s story. Rachel was 37 years old. She had five children. She worked. She owned a small business. She worked very hard to support her family.”

She added, “And I don’t — I really — the reason why I came here today and I accepted the invitation is because I really want our words to be heard, and I really want you to take to heart what we’re saying. It’s not — we’re not here for a political stand, although we are — we’re here because we’re losing our moms, our daughters, our children to criminals. And that shouldn’t happen. We should be taking care of our country, our people.”

Bereaved mom: Only way to take care of our people is “if President Trump is reelected as President, and we close up this border”

Morin then issued a powerful call to action, saying, “And the only way I believe that’s going to happen is if President Trump is reelected as president, and we close up this border, and we put policies back into place that were there before, instead of this open border…thing. We’re just gonna — we’re gonna end up being a third-world country if it continues this way.”

In the end, the choice couldn’t be clearer.

One candidate has a record of supporting and enacting policies that strengthen our border – and one candidate has a record of ensuring just the opposite.

Hopefully the voters choose wisely.

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.

Disturbing DNC story is breaking the hearts of everyone with a conscience who hears it


The Democratic National Convention in Chicago is mercifully over.

One Democrat after another went on stage and told lie after lie about the Republicans.

But one disturbing story from the DNC will break your heart.

Death cult at the DNC

Democrats and their media allies understand their assignment to make Kamala Harris appear moderate in order to get elected.

If the American people see how radical she and the Democrats are, Donald Trump’s chances of getting back in the White House increase.

But Democrats still had full crazy on display at the DNC.

Outside the venue, Planned Parenthood offered free abortions and free vasectomies.

Democrats repelled accusations that they’re a death cult… by killing babies and sterilizing men.

According to Planned Parenthood, the organization performed at least 25 abortions at the DNC.

Planned Parenthood CEO Dr. Colleen McNicholas scheduled 25 abortions and “about” ten vasectomies at the venue.

McNicholas explained that the vasectomy procedure takes roughly 20 minutes.

She said, “A couple of minutes in the beginning just to sort of go through the whole procedure, explain it, the risks, the benefits, alternatives. Make sure folks know that it is permanent. . .Then 15-20 minutes to do the procedure and then folks are on their way.”

Abortion is big business for the Democrats

Democrats once claimed that abortion should be “safe, legal, and rare.”

But now they want to maximize the number of abortions.

In fact, that is Planned Parenthood’s business model.

Pro-life activist Abby Johnson previously worked for Planned Parenthood, and she was named Employee of the Year for her skill in selling women on abortions.

Now Democrats treat abortion as simply “healthcare.”

McNicholas added, “We knew that there were going to be lots of people coming to Chicago from outside of Illinois, and again we just wanted to highlight that Illinois is a great example of how if you center healthcare policy that is based in science and evidence and puts people before politics then we can really start meeting the needs of the folks in the state,” she added.

Since Planned Parenthood never offers free abortions, Democrats want abortions federally funded, which is why they want it classified as “healthcare.”

In the meantime, Democrats rely on NGOs to fund the barbaric procedure.

Alicia Hurtado of the Chicago Abortion Fund partnered with Planned Parenthood to help kill more babies.

Hurtado explained, “We fund abortions, we buy plane tickets and train tickets and send gas money and send childcare stipends and really make sure we’re taking folks through every single step of the way.”

Democrats have made abortion an unholy sacrament

When the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in the Dobbs decision, the entire Left went into a frenzy at every level.

Street activists harassed Republican-appointed Supreme Court justices and firebombed crisis pregnancy centers.

Democrat politicians and their media allies went berserk.

And even Merrick Garland, the Attorney General of the United States, shockingly rebuked the Supreme Court and informed women how they could kill their babies in red states that chose to base abortion bans.

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.

Democrats are livid at a brand-new Supreme Court decision on Arizona ballot counting


Safeguarding how Americans cast their vote is the last thing that radical leftists want.

Strict control of the count by unbiased public officials makes the entire process harder to manipulate by bad actors.

Now Democrats are livid at a brand-new Supreme Court decision on Arizona ballot counting.

Election Day in 2022 was anything but smooth in the Grand Canyon State.

Problems arose where voting machines were reported to be malfunctioning.

One election worker on that day said, “We have two tabulators, one of the tabulators is not working. The other tabulator is taking about 75 percent successful, so 25 percent of them are being misread. and it could be a printer issue or it could be the tabulator itself.”

Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake wrote on X, “I am getting flooded with calls and text messages from people who are having trouble voting all over Maricopa County. THIS is why we must reform our elections.”

This occurred after Maricopa County was at the center of numerous election irregularities in 2020.

A forensic audit of the vote, which was resisted by county election officials, nevertheless showed irregularities that could have impacted the results statewide. 

Democrat and then-Secretary of State Katie Hobbs went on to win the governor’s race narrowly in 2022 after refusing to debate Lake.

Poll: Majority of voters don’t believe that the last election was conducted fairly

A survey conducted by Rasmussen Reports found that 55% of Likely Arizona Voters believe it is likely that problems with the 2022 election in Maricopa County affected the outcome, including 35% who think it’s Very Likely.

Technical mishaps are hardly the only concern when it comes to accurately counting votes in Arizona.

As the Biden-Harris administration has utterly failed to secure the border, millions of illegal aliens have crossed into the United States from Mexico since 2021.

To counter what may have been somewhat less than pristine recent elections, Republicans in the state sought to require voters to produce proof of citizenship in order to cast their vote this year.

Late last week, the U.S. Supreme Court partially granted Republicans’ request.

In a 5-4 decision, the court granted in part an emergency request by the Republican National Committee and Arizona’s GOP legislative leadership to place a stay on a lower court ruling that prohibited the law’s enforcement. 

The Biden-Harris Department of Justice and Arizona’s Democrat attorney general and Democrat secretary of state filed motions asking SCOTUS to deny Republicans’ request. 

Republicans hailed the ruling as a big win.

RNC Chair: “ A seismic win in the fight to stop non-citizens from voting”

RNC Chair Michael Whatley wrote on X, “Huge win: the Supreme Court just ruled that the state of Arizona must REJECT state voter registration forms without proof of US citizenship. A seismic win in the fight to stop non-citizens from voting — more to come!”

Recent polling in Arizona shows the presidential contest to be a pure tossup and, in a close race, the court’s latest ruling on the counting of Arizona ballots could have major implications nationwide.

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.