Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas turns heads after giving a warning about one Democrat stronghold

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is high on the Left’s target list.

He and his wife Ginni have been hounded relentlessly.

And Thomas gave a warning about one Democrat stronghold.

Democrats and their media allies have unleashed hell on Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and his wife.

They have been the targets of unending vitriol.

The Left have called for Justice Thomas to be impeached, and his wife to be investigated.

Left-wing news outlets have also commissioned countless hit pieces against him.

But Thomas has no problem standing up to the Left.

Washington, D.C. bullies

And during a recent judicial conference, Thomas called out the Democrat hellscape of Washington, D.C.

Justice Thomas called the District a “hideous place” filled with “nastiness and the lies.”

Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh got his own taste of that when he was hounded out of Morton’s Steakhouse by communist terrorists in light of the Dobbs decision.

Thomas continued, “But you have some choices. You don’t get to prevent people from doing horrible things or saying horrible things. But one you have to understand and accept the fact that they can’t change you unless you permit that.”

That is why Thomas has arguably been the best justice during his 30-year tenure.

He is not afraid to stand up to the Left, and he does not buckle under public pressure.

Unfortunately, the same cannot be said of Chief Justice John Roberts, who has routinely sided with the liberals on landmark cases after media pressure campaigns from the Democrat-controlled media.

Thomas added that he is surrounded by people in Washington, D.C. who want to “bomb your reputation” and “pride themselves on being awful.”

However, Thomas and his wife have been able to find solace outside of the District.

They are known to be RV enthusiasts who travel around the country in a camper.

Thomas said, “You get to be around regular people who don’t pride themselves in doing harmful things, merely because they have the capacity to do it or because they disagree.”

Fellow conservative Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito has also raised concerns about a far-left surge in the country.

Freedom on trial

During a talk at Catholic University, Alito said that free speech was “dangerously declining.”

It is quite common among elite left-wing thought to question free speech as an outdated principle.

Alito added that “freedom of religion is also imperiled.”

There are numerous examples of that as the “woke” Left is on a mission to secularize American society.

Alito continued, “Right now, in the world outside this beautiful campus, troubled waters are slamming against some of our most fundamental principles. . .It will be up to you to stand firm.” 

Wokeism has become the Left’s religion, which means that they can attempt to stamp out Christianity on the notion of separating church and state, but wokeism operates like any other religion.

Wokeism has original sin, saints, rituals, et cetera.

But adherents of wokeism see themselves as secular.

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story. 

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