Shocking bridge collapse has folks scratching their heads and asking questions in search of answers

Corporate-controlled media outlets try to control the narrative.

But some stories are impossible to contain.

And people are beginning to ask questions about one shocking bridge collapse.

The Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse in Baltimore, Maryland shocked everyone who watched the video.

Instantly, the media narrative was that the ship lost power and it was an open-and-shut case.

Nothing to see here

The Biden administration immediately said that federal funds would be allocated to rebuild the bridge, and insurer Chubb said that it would pay $350 million for the collapse.

All of this was without an investigation.

Meanwhile, residents in Maui are still fighting to get funds nearly one year later after fires scorched the island.

However, the FBI is still conducting an investigation despite the media’s quick rush to judgment, and the 21 crewmembers have not been allowed to leave the ship.

The men were initially trapped, but a controlled explosion was used to free them.

But they still cannot leave.

BBC News reported that “[t]he crew, made up of 20 Indians and a Sri Lankan national, has been unable to disembark because of visa restrictions, a lack of required shore passes and parallel ongoing investigations by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and FBI.”

That raised some alarms considering the Biden administration has allowed untold millions of illegal aliens to enter the country and move about freely.

Yet these crewmembers have not been allowed to leave a ship.

But the story gets weirder from there.

Zero contact with the outside world

BBC News added that “the crew has been left largely without communication with the outside world for ‘a couple of weeks’ after their mobile phones were confiscated by the FBI as part of the investigation.”

Even though the matter is still under investigation, the federal government and the insurance company were quick to pay up, and the Democrat-controlled press wanted the story wrapped up in a bow.

Joshua Messick, executive director of the Baltimore International Seafarers’ Center, told reporters, “They can’t do any online banking. They can’t pay their bills at home. They don’t have any of their data or anyone’s contact information, so they’re really isolated right now.”

But when illegal aliens beat up cops in New York City, they are allowed to flip off reporters and flee the state.

Messick added, “They just can’t reach out to the folks they need to, or even look at pictures of their children before they go to sleep. It’s really a sad situation.”

In the immediate aftermath of the crash, Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott went on MSNBC and tried to turn the incident into a racial division issue.

Scott told host Joy Reid, “We’ve been the bogeyman for them since the first day they brought us to this country, and what they mean by DEI in my opinion is ‘duly elected incumbent.’ We know what they want to say, but they don’t have the courage to say the N-word, and the fact that I don’t believe in their untruthful and wrong ideology. And I am very proud of my heritage and who I am and where I come from, scares them, because me being at my position means that their way of thinking, their way of life of being comfortable while everyone else suffers is going to be at risk, and they should be afraid because that’s my purpose in life.”

While Scott and Reid misdirect, the actual story of the crash gets stranger.

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story. 

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