Senior citizens are looking over their shoulder after video of jaw-dropping crime goes viral

Democrat strongholds are quickly descending into chaos.

Leaders are asleep at the wheel as residents pay the price.

And a video of one crime against a senior citizen will leave you red with rage.

Crimes involving child and elder abuse particularly get under people’s skin.

They are the most vulnerable in society and should be protected.

Yet some criminals prey on them with zero remorse.

Infuriating video

And a 93-year-old man in Portland was recently pickpocketed by three criminals.

It takes a special kind of lowlife to steal from a 93-year-old man coming out of a grocery store.

Portland local affiliate Fox 12 reported that “there may be more victims. . .Police say the suspect used the victim’s credit cards a short time later and purchased hundreds of dollars in gift cards at a Fred Meyer [supermarket] in the 6600 block of Northeast Glisan Street. According to police, detectives have learned the suspects have carried out similar crimes in the Seattle area.”

Portland has become synonymous with far-left extremism and urban squalor.

The communist terrorist group Antifa has made Portland its home base of operation.

During the Summer of George Floyd in 2020, Antifa firebombed a federal courthouse on a nightly basis.

Meanwhile, police officers—who suffered from blinding laser pointers—were given stand-down orders.

Independent journalist Andy Ngo was beaten by Antifa on two separate occasions.

The last straw

Even liberals in Portland are getting fed up.

The city voted out George Soros-funded District Attorney Mike Schmidt, who’s admittedly friends with one of the leaders of Portland Antifa.

Schmidt lost to Nathan Vasquez, a former Republican who switched to independent in 2017.

In light of his victory, Vasquez said, “I am humbled by and grateful for the support I have received from the voters and from this community throughout my campaign. The voters have made it clear that they are ready to take our county in a new and safer direction.”

Even “progressives” have upper limits on how much crime they can tolerate.

Vasquez continued, “As Multnomah County’s elected District Attorney, I am dedicated to fulfilling my campaign promises. I am committed to ending open-air drug dealing and drug use while helping connect individuals to treatment, to rebuilding the broken relationships between the DA’s office and the community, and to ensuring that victims are the number one priority of my office.”

A district attorney that will actually prosecute crimes would be a nice start.

Vasquez added, “I spoke with Mike Schmidt this afternoon and he conceded the election. . .I want to thank him for his professionalism and service to our community. I look forward to working with my colleagues in the DA’s office, with community partners, and with the public to help build a safer Multnomah County for all of us.”

If someone who was a Republican not that long ago can win in Portland, that should be a sign to leaders in other big cities.

Concerns over public safety are real, and videos of 93-year-old men getting pickpocketed are going to spur people to vote out the far-left loons.

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.

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