Seattle taxpayers are up in arms as radical protestors score one eye-popping victory

Crime has skyrocketed all across America over the last several years. 

Rather than tackle soaring crime rates, many on the Left have made it very difficult to hold criminals accountable. 

And Seattle taxpayers are furious as radical protestors score a major victory.

This judgment just proved that Seattle is not ready to get serious about crime anytime soon

Following the death of George Floyd in May 2020, violence and chaos exploded all across the nation. 

Urban centers in particular succumbed to violence from hoodlums and far-Left activists, who targeted police stations and other public buildings. 

The Democrat-controlled city of Seattle for example erupted in violence following the death of George Floyd, with some protestors even establishing the infamous Capitol Hill Occupied Protest zone. 

Police were barred from entering this lawless district as lawmakers cheered on the rioters.  

Meanwhile, murders, rapes, and widespread looting were reported within this district. 

Years later, a federal court jury in Seattle has decided to reward a group of four protestors who were put in jail for one night for vandalizing a police barricade with chalk. 

These protestors were never charged and faced minimal damages as a result of their night in jail.

Yet, the federal jury awarded these four protestors a cumulative sum of almost $700,000 for the alleged damages they incurred as a result of spending a night in jail. 

Nathaniel Flack, an attorney representing one of the protestors, told the press following the ruling, “The tensions of that summer and the feelings that were alive in the city at that time are obviously a big part of this case.”

“This was a content-based and viewpoint-based law enforcement decision that resulted in our clients being locked up for what they had to say.  The important thing here is that the police cannot jail people for the content of their speech,” Flack then stated to reporters. 

Meanwhile, critics of this decision have pointed out that none of the protesters involved were charged or affected by this arrest in any substantial way. 

Furthermore, the cash-strapped city of Seattle cannot afford to hand out eye-popping sums of cash to people who voiced their support for dismantling the town. 

This legal decision demonstrates to many people in the region that violent protests are tolerated if not celebrated in Seattle, causing many to flee the area. 

Many on the radical left have become indifferent to crime and violence 

Democrat-controlled cities such as New York, San Francisco, and Seattle have become overrun with crime since 2020. 

Carjacking, murders, and sexual assaults have all skyrocketed, yet many Democrats place the blame on Republicans for talking about it too much. 

Meanwhile, people cannot get out of Seattle fast enough, and many economic experts fear that an exodus of law-abiding taxpayers could wreak havoc on the city of Seattle, which relies on high taxation to pay for the lavish welfare benefits it offers. 

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.

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