One infuriating video proves that the nation’s capital is in distress

Cities can quickly descend into chaos when radical leftists get put in charge.

Several Democrat strongholds are experiencing that right now.

And one infuriating video proves that the nation’s capital is in distress.

Washington, D.C. is obviously home of The Swamp.

The elites in Permanent Washington get richer and richer as government spending continues to expand.

There’s a reason why virtually all of the richest counties in the country are located around Washington, D.C.

Crime in D.C. is out of control

Meanwhile, in the heart of the District, crime is running rampant.

Thanks to far-left policies, violent crimes have ticked up.

And one video of an Uber driver under assault illustrated the lawlessness that has taken hold.


Sadly, disgraceful scenes like this are not uncommon.

A few months back, a 74-year-old Uber driver from Eritrea was carjacked.

Alem Zewoldai told reporters, “I’m sorry about [the attackers]. . .They’re young. They should be in school. They are, as I said, they are [the ages] of my kids. And what are they going to do? They can take the car. They can drive the car as long as they want but [that] doesn’t give them anything good.”

Back in 2021, Uber Eats driver Mohammad Anwar was murdered by two teenage girls—15 and 13 years old—during a carjacking.

Even politicians are getting attacked.

Politicians are getting attacked, literally

Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX) was carjacked in Washington, D.C.

Cuellar explained, “I was just coming into my place. Three guys came out of nowhere and they pointed guns at me. I do have a black belt, but I recognize when you got three, three guns — I looked at one with a gun and another with a gun, a third one behind me — So they said they wanted my car. I said, ‘Sure.’ You’ve got to keep calm under those situations. And then they took off. . .I’m a big law enforcement person. I got three brothers in law enforcement, so I certainly appreciate the good work that the police did.”

Rep. Angie Craig (D-MN) was attacked in the elevator of her apartment building.

She told reporters, “My morning coffee really saved the day yesterday, but not exactly how I expected it to. . .On a serious note, I will also say that I was very, very lucky that I was not more injured — and I’ll have more to say about that soon…I wanted to let everyone know that the outpouring of support from friends, constituents and colleagues has been overwhelming. . .I remain deeply grateful to the law enforcement officers for their quick response and subsequent arrest of a suspect last night.”

Leftist politicians have been racking their brains trying to figure out how to reduce crime.

Recently retired Washington, D.C. Police Chief Robert Contee III gave them the answer.

Contee said, “We need to keep violent people in jail. . .[W]hen they are in jail, they can’t be in communities shooting people. . .So when people talk about what we’re gonna do different or what we should do different or what we need to do different, that’s the thing that we need to do different.”

Unfortunately, too many Democrats have wedded themselves to pro-crime policies.

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.

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