One growing “woke” trend is sweeping across the nation because of this organization

Radical leftists have gone too far in the culture war.

People are beginning to resist the indoctrination.

And one growing “woke” trend is sweeping across the nation because of this organization.

June is Pride Month, which constitutes 30 of the myriad days that compose the yearly LGBTQ+ calendar.

Pride Year

Pride celebrations in 2024 and 2023 rose after what might have been peak Pride in 2022.

The backlash began with Bud Light’s disastrous campaign that included controversial social media influencer, Dylan Mulvaney.

Both Bud Light and Target experienced heavy boycotts, which caused management to rethink its aggressive LGBTQ push.

And Pride Month 2024 has been marred by several incidents of motorists peeling out on rainbow-colored crosswalks and leaving tire marks.

Cities have literally put out manhunts for the perpetrators.

But the Pride crosswalks are not organic.

The Human Rights Campaign

They are being encouraged by the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), a very radical LGBTQ organization that has a lot of clout.

More and more people have caught onto ESG (environmental, social, and governance) scores that determine how much investment corporations will get.

For example, if a company commits to going “green,” it will get a higher ESG score, which means that giant asset management firms like BlackRock, State Street, and Vanguard will allocate more resources to them.

People are not as family with the Corporate Equality Index (CEI), a score given out by HRC that boosts companies if they show they are LGBT-friendly; a higher CEI score can lead to a higher ESG score, which means more bonuses for executives.

A company can boost its CEI metric by, for instance, paying for employees to travel to a Pride event.

What’s even less known than the CEI score is the Municipal Equality Index (MEI), which is the same as CEI, but for cities.

HRC explained on its website, “The inaugural edition of the MEI rated 137 cities and had 11 hundreds, and the overall average score was 59 points. In 2012, those 137 cities averaged 85 points. In 2012, a score of 80 points marked the top quarter of city scores; in 2021, 25% of cities scored 96 points or better. Much has changed since the first edition of the MEI, and perhaps because of it—but one thing that stays the same is the perseverance of municipal leadership to continue to fight for their LGBTQ+ friends and neighbors to be included and welcomed. As the MEI turns ten it is proud to be supporting and amplifying these actions. Sometimes they’re loud, like an impassioned city council meeting; sometimes they’re as quiet as a pronoun pin. Sometimes they’re flashy, like a rainbow-striped crosswalk [emphasis added], and sometimes they’re downright boring, like an updated benefits booklet. But each of these things, in their own way, changes lives.”

So the HRC is pressuring cities to use taxpayer funds on projects that boost their MEI score.

The organization awards more points for pushing the boundaries of the law.

HRC said on its site, “Flex points are offered for testing the limits of these state restrictions, while standard points reflect city leadership advocating against the state restrictions.”

Most of the LGBTQ agenda is inorganic.

It is being pushed by a small, but motivated and well-funded group of activists.

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.

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