Notorious biker gang left spinning their tires after facing this major crackdown

Crime rages out of control all over America, especially in Democrat-controlled areas. 

Yet, many “woke” lawmakers refuse to admit that any such crime problem exists at all. 

And this notorious biker gang suffers a major setback after facing this crackdown. 

The Hells Angels just met the wrath of state and federal law enforcement officers 

In 1948, a group of restless World War II veterans banded together and formed the Hells Angels motorcycle gang. 

Ever since, the Hells Angels have emerged as the premier motorcycle gang, with a no-holds-barred reputation everywhere they go. 

This infamous gang of outlaw bikers has etched its way into American pop culture, inspiring a slew of television shows and movies. 

However, a recent crackdown demonstrated that law enforcement agencies take the actions of these bikers very seriously.

Last week, the Kern County Sheriff’s Office publicly announced the arrest of the entire Bakersfield chapter of the Hells Angels for a long list of charges including kidnapping, robbery, and assault. 

The Kern County Sheriff’s Office noted that this crackdown was part of a joint investigation with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) and the California Highway Patrol.

In a press conference, officials from the Kern County Sheriff’s office told reporters, “More than 150 law enforcement personnel seized approximately 25 firearms, ammunition, multiple high-capacity magazines, and gang affiliate paraphernalia.”

Federal authorities, such as those at the ATF, have long accused the Hells Angels of trafficking drugs and firearms. 

Although his crackdown helps to crack down on crime to a limited extent, the state of California continues to reel from out-of-control crime. 

All throughout the Golden State, violent crime, retail theft, and car thefts have skyrocketed. 

Many Californians have attributed this crime surge to decades of Democrat control as well as the drastic actions taken following the death of George Floyd in 2020. 

As many California cities burned from out-of-control riots, lawmakers decided to defund the police and upend the state’s criminal justice system.

In many parts of the state, retail theft often goes unenforced, forcing retailers to either lock up their goods or shut down altogether. 

To make matters worse, drug crime has also spiraled out of control in California. 

Every day a mind-boggling amount of dangerous drugs like fentanyl flow across California’s southern border with Mexico. 

These drugs have helped to facilitate a homeless crisis of unprecedented proportions. 

Homeless camps have popped up all over California, and these camps often serve as hotbeds for crime and depravity. 

Yet, California lawmakers do not seem prepared to do anything about these societal woes anytime soon. 

The recent crackdown on the Hells Angels has many Californians scratching their heads

Few Californians would defend the criminal actions of the Hells Angels. 

However, this crackdown proves that California has the resources to clamp down on crime, yet in many cases refuses to use them. 

As law enforcement officials spend massive resources to catch bikers, California cities burn, and businesses and people flee on a daily basis. 

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.

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