New Yorkers just pulled the fire alarm on Jamaal Bowman’s congressional career

The most prominent male member of the squad has made a habit of showcasing his radicalism.

Unfortunately for him, that has gotten him into a heap of political trouble.

Now New Yorkers just pulled the fire alarm on Jamaal Bowman’s congressional career.

Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) has been an embarrassment to New Yorkers ever since he was first elected to Congress in 2020.

He supported the radical “defund the police” movement after the death of George Floyd.

Bowman called for a “dramatic reduction in the number of police in our poor communities and particularly our poor black and brown communities.”

What Bowman prescribed, in addition to soft-on-crime policies instituted by radical district attorneys amid a massive influx of illegal aliens, has led to an explosion in criminal activity in the Big Apple.

That crime wave has disproportionately affected the very same “black and brown communities” that Bowman wanted to drive the police out of in 2020.

Bowman was sharply criticized last year after he pulled a fire alarm in a Capitol Hill office building in an attempt to delay a vote to avert a government shutdown.

For that stunt he pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor count of raising a false fire alarm, resulting in a $1,000 fine and a public censure by his congressional colleagues.

Bowman’s mouth and actions got him in major trouble

Bowman’s actions have made him a political target for some time, but it was his outspokenness on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that may have put the final nail in his political coffin.

In a recent interview with WNYC’s Brian Lehrer, Bowman accused Israel of committing “genocide” in Gaza.

Bowman was already on the defensive for previously denying rapes of Israeli women during the attack by Hamas that killed an estimated 1,200 people — including 33 Americans in October.

He apologized for those denials during that same interview.

The political enemies that Bowman made over the years spent staggering sums of money, to the tune of millions of dollars, backing Westchester County Executive George Latimer in Tuesday’s 16th District Democrat primary.

By Tuesday, the primary election in New York’s 16th district became the most expensive ever in terms of ad spending.

When the results came in it was clear that the voters in the district were ready to send Bowman packing.

The vote totals weren’t even close, with Latimer receiving 58% of the vote to Bowman’s 42%, with 88% of the total vote counted as of Wednesday evening.

Latimer: “You can’t destroy this country with your rhetoric and your arguments”

After Latimer was declared the winner he told a cheering crowd, “Tonight, we turn the page and we say that we believe in the inclusion of everybody. It doesn’t matter your age, religion, sexual identity, whether you’re a right-hander or left-hander, whether you’re a Met fan or a Yankee fan — our inclusiveness in Westchester County is how we govern the people. You can’t destroy this country with your rhetoric and your arguments. We have to have unity.”

With Bowman’s defeat, the radical group of Democrats in the House known as “the squad” will soon see their ranks depleted by at least one member, and that can only be a welcome development.

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.

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