Ilhan Omar’s apparent memory loss over husband’s weed and wine ventures lands her in hot water

One prominent House Democrat seems to be forever enmeshed in controversy.

She’s also been accused of multiple ethical lapses in recent years and the hits keep on coming.

Now Ilhan Omar’s apparent short-term memory over husband’s shady actions lands her in hot water.

It’s been a really tough week for the group of far-left politicians in Congress that are collectively known as “the squad.”

For one thing, their ranks are diminishing.

Squad members seem to be dropping like flies

Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) is now a lame duck, having lost his primary election on Tuesday as a direct result of his loud and proud radicalism.

Another member of this motley crew, Congresswoman and social media enthusiast Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), clearly saw the writing on the wall when political pundits and polling pointed to Bowman’s imminent loss and she essentially ghosted him in the final hours of his ill-fated reelection campaign.

Still another member, Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) claimed that her powers as a “healer” cured her woman of cancer.

She too is in danger of seeing her political career go down the tubes as she is on track to lose her Congressional primary as well, according to a recent poll.

Could Ilhan Omar be in political trouble?

Now, in news that must be devastating to radicals and green-haired leftists already on edge, Squad member Ilhan Omar (D-MN) has found herself in trouble once again.

This time, a legal complaint has been filed against her.

She has been accused of failing to report tens of thousands of dollars in assets relating to business dealings by her husband, Tim Mynett. 

In a complaint, the National Legal and Policy Center asked the Office of Congressional Ethics to “immediately investigate whether [Omar] violated House Ethics Rules by failing to fully disclose and/or by filing false or misleading information regarding the business assets and liabilities of her spouse.” 

The complaint alleges that wine and cannabis companies started by Mynett and a friend have become the subject of lawsuits after a failure to pay back investors. 

Omar is alleged to have misrepresented the value of the businesses before they were subject to lawsuits and eventually closed down.

The discrepancy occurred over multiple years.

According to the Minnesota Reformer, the spousal income amounts that Omar reported were substantially less than what she reported that her husband was bringing in from his consulting firm.

Omar then paid that consulting firm millions of dollars for her own election campaign.

Omar defended the payments, saying, “I don’t pay my husband, I pay the firm to do work and it would be stupid to cut off the firm.”

Nonetheless, that’s what she did, but not until after her reelection.

Omar’s bookkeeping has been called into question before.

In 2020, Omar reportedly sold a book for six figures but did not disclose income from the book at the time.

In the end, the latest controversy only further adds to the perception of more corruption by yet another member of the Squad.

As Bowman’s defeat and Bush’s current political troubles show, the combination of radicalism and the appearance of politicians’ misdeeds has the public in foul mood and ready to hand out pink slips.

Ilhan Omar would do well to remember that.

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.

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