Gavin Newsom turned red with rage after catching wind of this damaging report

Life has become practically unlivable in many American cities and communities. 

Exploding crime rates, exorbitant costs of living, and extreme far-left “woke” policies have forced millions to consider moving. 

And Gavin Newsom turned red with rage after catching wind of this damaging report.

People cannot leave California fast enough after years of extreme-far left politics  

From the moment that pioneers found gold at Sutter’s Mill, people from all over have flooded into California for its (mostly) warm weather and plentiful business opportunities. 

But for the first time since the California gold rush, people are leaving the Golden State in droves. 

Crippling crime surges, expensive housing prices, and radical “woke” politics have forced millions of Californians to flee for greener, or better yet “redder,” pastures like Utah, Idaho, and Arizona. 

For the first time in over a century, California lost an electoral vote as a result of the last census, and figures show that this exodus will not slow down anytime soon. 

In a report published on May 20, the moving company PODS detailed customer trends which can help to track where people have moved to within the United States. 

According to the recent PODs report, “The Golden State has a reputation for imposing high sales, income, and property taxes.”

“The cost of living is approximately 50 percent higher in California than the national average, and housing costs can be prohibitive,” the report added. 

Furthermore, the report indicated that many Americans have chosen to move to the American southeast, which Republicans have largely controlled for decades. 

Will Swaim, the President of the California Policy Center, addressed this mass exodus to Fox News Digital, claiming that “California is number one in all the wrong things.”

Swaim then told Fox News Digital, “Add to that regulations that make building new homes almost impossible, and it’s no wonder that people are moving out.”

 California Governor Gavin Newsom has clapped back against these comments saying, “California’s per capita GDP is the second largest among large economies.”

“California, which has the most equitable tax system in the entire country, is #1 in the nation for new business starts, #1 for access to venture capital funding, and the #1 state for manufacturing, high-tech, and agriculture.”

However, experts have pointed out that if these claims are true, they do not do much for the middle class, which has struggled to get by in Newsom’s economy. 

Radical Democrats have pilfered California and pretend like nothing is wrong 

More people live in California than any other state, and for good reason. 

California has abundant natural beauty and some of the most influential and prosperous businesses known to mankind.

However, years of Democrat control have completely destroyed this once-great state, forcing millions to leave. 

As the PODs report indicates, many Californians would prefer to live in places that do not tolerate homelessness, smash-and-grab robberies, and insanely high taxes. 

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.

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