Gavin Newsom just won the Democrats’ pulse primary by default after Biden’s historic implosion

Joe Biden had a catastrophic performance in the presidential debate on Thursday Night.

He was doddering, incoherent, incapable of articulating his points and he looked like a corpse.

Now Gavin Newsom just won the Democrats’ pulse primary by default after Biden’s historic implosion.

President Joe Biden’s horrific debate performance shook up the presidential race in a major way Thursday Night.

Questions and doubts about Biden’s mental acuity have simmered for months and even years.

Biden’s “senior moments” have increased in frequency and severity in recent months.

After several instances of Biden awkwardly freezing during public events, needing help to find his way off a stage, or visibly exhibiting confusion, the White House called videos “cheap fakes” promoted by the Trump campaign and its conservative allies. 

The implication by Biden’s handlers was that the president was at the top of his game and anyone who suggested otherwise was engaging in dishonesty.

Desperate times for Democrats call for desperate measures

But that position became untenable on Thursday Night as millions of voters watched the president crash and burn in real-time in a spectacular fashion for 90 solid minutes without corporate media able to cover for him.

Even partisan Democrats and left-wing media talking heads couldn’t explain away what had happened.

Former U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO) said on MSNBC, “I’m not the only one whose heart is breaking right now. There’s a lot of people who watched this tonight and felt terribly for Joe Biden. I don’t know if things can be done to fix this.”

Gavin Newsom to the rescue?

As the disaster unfolded, betting odds for Biden to ultimately be the Democrat’s nominee crashed according to PredictIt.

At the same time, the betting odds for California Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom skyrocketed.

Since the beginning of the debate, Newsom climbed from an 8/100 price to be his party’s nominee to 27/100. 

Additionally, his chance to win the presidency jumped from 5/100 to 19/100.

When asked whether he might potentially replace Biden on the his party’s ticket, Newsom said, “No, our nominee is Joe Biden. I’m looking forward to voting for him in November.”

He added, “I think [this speculation] is unhelpful. And I think it’s unnecessary. We’ve got to go in, we’ve got to keep our heads high. We’ve got to have the back of this president. You don’t turn back because of one performance. What kind of party does that?”

But Newsom’s upbeat talk hasn’t quelled speculation of what may happen if Biden is forced to step aside from public pressure amid further deterioration of his abilities.

In an internet poll conducted for Los Angeles TV station KTLA, respondents were asked, “In a hypothetical matchup, who do you think would win the 2024 presidential race?”

Fifty percent of those polled thought Newsom would prevail, with another 50% choosing Donald Trump.

The second debate between President Biden and Donald Trump is scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 10th but it’s an open question whether, after Thursday’s debacle, it will still take place.

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.

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