Gavin Newsom just doubled down on his extreme agenda with this disturbing claim

Data shows that Americans cannot flee from California fast enough. 

Every year, thousands of fed-up residents turn their backs on the Golden State, leaving for states with better opportunities. 

And Gavin Newsom just doubled down on his extreme agenda with this disturbing claim.

Gavin Newsom just revealed that he is not backing down anytime soon

For the first time in over a century, California lost a Congressional district and Electoral College vote as a result of the last census. 

The 2020 census, along with countless reports from moving companies, showed that people have fled California in droves. 

Years of Democrat control have allowed homelessness to surge, crime to skyrocket, and the cost of living to become crippling for working families. 

Many blame California Governor Gavin Newsom for these woes, given that he has sided with the radical left every chance he could since becoming governor.

Newsom recently addressed criticisms of his radical political bias in his State of the State address, saying that he takes pride in his leftist ways. 

Rather than giving Californians a message of hope or unity, Newsom took aim at Donald Trump, comparing him the Adolf Hitler and the Nazis, stating “When they speak of immigrants poisoning American blood, and of mass deportations and detention camps, this is the language of destruction — of 1939.” 

He then patted himself on the back, saying that his far-Left ideals provide “an antidote to the poisonous populism of the right.”

Throughout the speech, Newsom bashed so-called “delusional California bashers,” ignoring criticisms over California’s $6.8 billion budget deficit, soaring homeless population, and drug crisis. 

On the topic of homelessness, Gavin Newsom pointed to his administration’s expanded role in allegedly getting people off of the street, providing 15,300 homes to shelter over 71,000. 

However, critics immediately pointed out that the Newsom administration has not actively tracked the effects of his homeless plans, which have cost California taxpayers a whopping $24 billion over the last five years. 

Newsom then addressed jobs, failing to address the mass exodus of businesses from the state due in part to California Democrats raising the minimum wage for fast food workers to $20 an hour. 

He asked the viewers, “Here is a simple question for Republicans: If California is a failed state, why are four of the seven most valuable companies in the world based here?” 

“The best minds in the world call California home because they’re liberated from the constraints of conformity and tradition. This is true freedom — to invent and make the world a better place,” Newsom added. 

Following his address, Assemblyman James Gallagher clapped back at Newsom, telling reporters, “To sit here and talk about venture capitalists when the majority of Californians are struggling, to me, is tone deaf.” 

“It was not a real addressing of the problems that Californians are facing,” the fed-up California Republican added. 

California Democrats have become so drunk with power that they do not think anything is wrong

Over the last couple of decades, California has become the epicenter of everything wrong with America. 

Working-class Californians cannot even afford to pay for a McDonald’s combo meal during their lunch breaks, yet Newsom and his cronies seem pleased with themselves. 

Newsom’s State of the State address just broadcasted to Californians that change will not come anytime soon. 

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.

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