Cop shooter made one stunning admission that will leave you red with rage

Criminals are running amok in Democrat strongholds.

Bad leadership has allowed it to continue for too long.

And a cop shooter made one admission that will leave you red with rage.

Major Democrat cities are being run down in large part because of pro-crime policies implemented by far-left district attorneys bankrolled by George Soros.

New York City is no different.

New York turning into a third-world country

When Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg is not cooking misdemeanors against Donald Trump and elevating them to felonies, he’s reducing felonies against repeat criminals.

On top of that, so-called “sanctuary cities” are feeling the heat of unfettered illegal immigration into the country thanks to Joe Biden’s insane border policies.

As a result, two NYPD police officers were shot by an illegal alien from Venezuela.

The New York Post reported that 19-year-old Bernardo Raul Castro Mata “faces two counts of attempted murder and a slew of other criminal offenses for allegedly shooting Officers Christopher Abreu and Richard Yarusso, both 26, early June 3 as the cops tried to conduct a traffic stop on the scooter-riding migrant. Prosecutors said Castro Mata, during a wild chase, pulled a .380-caliber Hi-Point pistol on Yarusso and fired it into the cop’s chest at point-blank range. He also shot Abreu in the leg before cops returned fire and hit him in the ankle, officials said.”

Castro Mata claimed that he did not mean to shoot the officers, essentially trying to use the Alec Baldwin defense.

He said in a statement, “When the cops stopped me, I ran because I was scared. . .I stopped and took out the gun to show the officers and a round went off. That’s when the cop shot me. I didn’t pull the trigger. The gun went off once.”

However, the NYPD says that bodycam footage belies Castro Mata’s account of events.

He also made a stunning revelation about migrant shelters in the city.

The shooter claimed that the gang with which he was affiliated was using food deliveries to smuggle weapons into the shelters.

“Tren de Aragua members are smuggling firearms into city shelters in food delivery packages – that way they don’t have to go through the metal detectors,” Castro Mata said.

Add gun smuggling to the list of problems piling up as a result of illegal immigration.

Venezuelan crime

Donald Trump made the claim that violent crime is down in Venezuela because communist President Nicolás Maduro allegedly emptied the jails and mental hospitals and sent the people to the United States, a tactic that Fidel Castro employed in 1980.

That was the jumping off point for the 1983 film Scarface.

Venezuelan officials deny the claim made by Trump, however an alternative explanation might even be worse.

Roberto Briceño-León, founder and director of the OVV (the acronym for Venezuelan Observatory of Violence in Spanish), told, “Crime is reduced in Venezuela due to a reduction in crime opportunities: bank robberies disappear because there is no money to steal; kidnappings are reduced because there is no cash to pay ransoms; robberies on public transportation cease because travelers have no money in their pockets and old, worthless cell phones; and assaults on bank money dispensers disappear because the cash they can give to their clients has not exceeded twenty U.S. dollars.”

Communism has so decimated the country that criminals are coming to America to commit crimes.

When famed bank robber William Francis “Slick Willie” Sutton was asked why he robbed banks, he answered, “Because that’s where the money is.”

Far-left policies are wrecking both Venezuela and the United States at the same time.

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.

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