
This Maryland senior is seething with anger after a government safety net failed her

Many of America’s government programs are designed to provide a safety net to children, the disabled, and senior citizens. Unfortunately, most of these programs available...

This deep blue state is facing one major hurdle to try and boost Bidenmobile sales

As time goes on, more states continue to try and push consumers to purchase electric vehicles instead of traditional gas-powered cars. Even as the overall...

This eye-popping Oregon crime was captured live on a doorbell camera

Advancements in technology in recent years have been a decidedly mixed bag. There are more privacy concerns than ever before but increased surveillance can prove...

Corrupt Democrat mayor just got some news that ruined her day

Democrat politicians can get away with a lot. But there are limits. And one corrupt Democrat mayor just got some news that ruined her day. The walls...

This blue-state mayor was just the victim of the same crime for a second time

It was an unfortunate event but one that shouldn't have been completely unexpected. That's because crime rates in the area are sky-high and have been...

Viral video shows this wild high-speed chase ending in chaos

As the famous song goes “I fought the law and the law won.”  Many criminals have learned this the hard way as the law almost...

Top university in Gavin Newsom’s state got popped for one head-turning scandal

The Left is imploding. They have embraced ideas that cannot stand up to scrutiny. And a top university in Gavin Newsom’s state got popped for one...

San Francisco politicians were red in the face after citizens embarrassed them with one action

Most elected officials love nothing more than to waste taxpayers' dollars.  Many government-funded projects often go over budget and fall behind schedule as a result.  And...

Chicago’s crime problem is so bad that officials are launching this one off-the-wall idea

When it comes to American cities with the highest violent crime rates, Chicago takes the cake. And this troubled city continues to see skyrocketing crime,...

One jaw-dropping video just proved how far Gavin Newsom’s state has fallen

Gavin Newsom wants to be President. Apparently he’s not interested in being Governor. And one stunning video just proved how far Gavin Newsom’s state has fallen. California...

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