Biden leaves secret service agent spitting mad after the unthinkable happens to him

Joe Biden is nervous about recent polls showing him losing to Donald Trump, so he’s looking for help from Gavin Newsom and the Hollywood Left.

But that turned out to be bad news for someone who was simply doing his job.

Now, a secret service agent found out firsthand the consequences of far-left governance in California.

The Golden State is in rough shape these days.

Far-left governance has caused budget shortfalls in many communities, made worse by Governor Gavin Newsom’s decision to extend healthcare benefits to illegal aliens at a cost of millions of dollars to the state’s taxpayers.

With not enough cops on the streets and an approach to law enforcement that is far too lenient, rates of crime have increased markedly in recent years.

The state has seen a 6.1% increase in reported violent crimes and a 6.2% increase in property crime from 2021 to 2024.

The most prevalent violent crimes in California are property-related offenses, including burglary and pickpocketing.

Against this backdrop, even those with connections to our nation’s most powerful people are not immune from the effects of the crime wave.

Secret Service agent woes while celebs raise cash for Joe

In a sign of what life is like for too many Americans with leftists like Joe Biden and Gavin Newsom at the helm, a Secret Service agent has been robbed at gunpoint.

It happened in California while Joe Biden was attending a fundraiser in Los Angeles.

Late Saturday evening in the nearby community of Tustin, police officers responded to a robbery of a U.S. Secret Service agent.

The robber allegedly stole a bag from the agent and the agent fired his gun in the encounter.

According to the head of the Secret Service, the agent was there in a support role.

The suspect has yet to be identified and there is no word on the extent, if any, of his injuries.

The suspect was spotted leaving the scene in a silver Infiniti FX35 or a similar-looking vehicle.

A press release from the Police Department said, “Officers have located some of the victim’s belongings in the area and the incident is still being investigated.  There is no known threat to the public.”


That seems to be a bit of a rosy reading of the situation.

Without knowing any additional details of the case, it seems that the fact that such a thing could happen to even a Secret Service agent amid ever-increasing criminal activity in the Golden State doesn’t bode well for everyday Californians or anyone else who happens to be visiting.

GOP Chairwoman: “Not even Secret Service safe in Gavin Newsom’s California”

California’s Republican Party Chairwoman Jessica Millan Patterson wrote on X, “Not even @SecretService, tasked with protecting @POTUS, is safe in @GavinNewsom @CA_Dem’s California. Meanwhile, Dems are busy in Sacramento this very minute working to make us even LESS safe. Can’t make it up.”


While the Secret Service agent was being robbed, the rich and powerful were doing their part to help Joe Biden.

George Clooney, Julia Roberts and Barbra Streisand were among many noted celebrities attending the event, which reportedly raised more than $30 million.

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.

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