A Rhode Island chef just sent the Joe Biden campaign into a full-blown panic

Many Americans struggle to get by in Joe Biden’s economy as the prices of most goods and services continue to skyrocket. 

Yet, Joe Biden claims that things have never been better and that Americans should give him more credit. 

But a Rhode Island chef just sent the Joe Biden campaign into a full-blown panic. 

Americans from all over have defected away from Joe Biden’s camp 

The 2020 elections saw more Americans vote than ever before partly due to expansive mail-in-voting operations. 

Joe Biden and his Democrat allies ran on a platform of blaming Donald Trump for everything wrong with the world, which helped to motivate some voters. 

But after roughly four years of Biden’s rule, many Americans would agree that Joe Biden and his administration have made their lives significantly worse. 

Among these fed-up Americans is Chef John Bordieri of Rhode Island. 

During the 2020 election cycle, Chef Bordieri got a taste of politics after appearing in the 2020 Democrat National Convention.

Due to the pandemic, each state announced how their delegates would vote in the form of a brief clip rather than speaking up at a large convention like usual. 

In Rhode Island’s video, Rhode Island Democrat Party Chair Joseph McNamara stood beside a masked Bordieri on a beach while Bordieri held a plate of calamari in full chef garb. 

McNamara pledged a “calamari comeback,” designating one vote for Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and 34 votes for Joe Biden. 

Since the filming of this clip roughly four years ago, Bordieri has changed his mind about Joe Biden, recently signaling a shift in support to Donald Trump.  

Bordieri recently spoke to Carley Shimkus of FOX & Friends First on this matter, saying, “I just always believe business is business. The politicians… I don’t want to dis them or anything, but you always hear they’re going to make up stories, and they are going to help you, and they’re going to do this, they’re going to do that for you.”

“I think Donald Trump did an awful lot while he was in office for the four years that he was here,” the fed-up New England chef added. 

He then pointed to the poor state of the economy and its impact on his industry, adding, “We want everybody to come in and have a very full meal and enjoy themselves without having to worry about the bottom line and having to pay that bill.” 

Donald Trump has the chance to make history this November 

Americans from all over have grown sick and tired of Joe Biden and his poor economy. 

Polls show that Donald Trump has gained ground amongst unlikely demographics including young people, black men, and Hispanics. 

Donald Trump has even appeared to close the gap in traditionally blue states like New York, and Minnesota. 

Although there is still plenty of time until Election Day, these polling numbers are a good sign for Donald Trump and his campaign. 

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.

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