Andrew Cuomo just told the dirty truth Democrats didn’t want to hear about Biden’s reelection campaign

What Democrats once refused to acknowledge is now causing them full-blown panic.

Joe Biden’s slips, both literal and figurative, can no longer simply be explained away.

Now, Andrew Cuomo just told the dirty truth about Biden’s reelection campaign.

Joe Biden no longer presents as someone in full control of his mental faculties. 

Nor does he seem to be in particularly good physical shape.

Democrats have made a habit of contending that behind closed doors the President is as sharp as a tack, but these grandiose claims aren’t convincing anyone.

Recent polling shows that upwards of three-quarters of voters believe that Biden is too old to effectively do his job.

Things have only gotten worse in recent weeks.

First, at the G7 summit in Italy, Biden appeared to wander off to talk to paratroopers who had participated in a skydiving demonstration.

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni had to go over and grab Biden to bring him back to the group.

Last week, Biden froze on stage at a fundraiser. 

Former President Barack Obama embarrassingly then took him by the arm and led him off the stage.

Lastly, Biden froze another time for nearly an entire minute during a lively Juneteenth musical performance at the White House.

The frequency of what some might call “senior moments” has increased to the point where even a few prominent Democrats are admitting that it isn’t just everyone else’s lying eyes.

In an appearance on HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher Friday, former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) was interviewed by Maher when the subject turned to Biden.

Cuomo: “I don’t think he’s running an especially good campaign.  There’s a big question about his age.”

Maher had previously said that he thought Biden was too old for the job and should’ve dropped out.

He asked for Cuomo’s analysis of the campaign given Biden’s stubborn refusal to step aside.

Cuomo replied, “I don’t think he’s running an especially good campaign, frankly. I think there’s a big question that he has to answer which is about his age, viability, etc. I think the only way you answer that is by getting out there and letting people see you. That’s the only way you put it to rest. I don’t think you can hide from that, Bill.”


The former Governor is certainly onto something here but, unfortunately for Biden, the problem may even be worse.

It’s one thing to suggest that the solution to the problem of unending questions about age and vitality is for Biden to show the voters that he is up to the job.

But there’s a real question as to whether the president is even capable of doing this, given his seemingly limitless list of eyebrow-raising incidents.

Many argue that this is Biden’s reason for hiding in the first place.

Even worse for Biden and the Democrats, Cuomo echoed Donald Trump’s argument that he has been the victim of political persecution given the Democrats’ lawfare tactics against him.

Cuomo: New York case would never been brought if it wasn’t against Trump and it’s offending people

Cuomo said, “That case, the Attorney General’s case in New York, frankly should have never been brought. And if his name was not Donald Trump, and if he wasn’t running for president from the former AG in New York, I’m telling you that case would have never been brought. And that’s what is offensive to people. And it should be. Because if there’s anything left, it’s belief in the justice system.”

Given that Cuomo’s stance is completely at odds with Biden’s storyline on this topic, this amounts to yet another rhetorical gut punch to the president by a well-known and high-profile Democrat.

The election is still four months away and much can change, but trouble seems to be brewing for the political left.

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.

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