Michigan Democrat attacked Trump until she was forced to make a stunning admission on video

Democrats and media accomplices were chomping at the bit to see Donald Trump convicted of a crime regardless of the facts.

But it hasn’t had the desired effect because the public sees it all as a political gotcha game.

Now, a Michigan Democrat attacked Trump until she was forced to make a stunning admission on video.

Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-MI) was interviewed last week by Fox Business Network’s Maria Bartiromo.

The two were arguing over Donald Trump’s recent conviction for violating campaign finance laws.

When pressed about the specifics of Trump’s alleged wrongdoing, Dingell gave a pedestrian and unconvincing answer.

Things got worse when the conversation shifted to Hunter Biden’s laptop, which was abandoned in a Delaware computer shop in 2019 and allegedly contained information that could paint the Bidens in a bad light.

In what has the appearance of bureaucrats protecting a person of privilege, 51 intelligence officials signed an October 2020 letter stating, “the arrival on the US political scene of emails purportedly belonging to Vice President Biden’s son Hunter” had “all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”

Except, it wasn’t Russian disinformation.

The swamp protects its own

As early as October 2020, outlets such as the New York Post uncovered the truth.

Twitter (before the social media site was purchased by Elon Musk) censored reporting of the story by the New York Post and suspended access to their account in October 2020, less than a month before the 2020 Presidential election, and blocked users from sharing the story.

To put it another way, big tech colluded with corporate media to run cover for Joe Biden and the Democrats weeks before the last presidential election.

This was all uncovered at Hunter Biden’s latest gun trial when an FBI agent Erika Jensen, dismissed the Biden defense team’s claim that the contents of the laptop were inauthentic or had been tampered with.

When prosecutor Derek Hines asked Jensen if she had seen evidence that Hunter Biden’s laptop had been tampered with, she reportedly replied “no.”

This was completely at odds with the story that had been peddled for years by apologists for Hunter Biden, but that came as news to Dingell.

Asking about similarities between Hunter Biden’s laptop situation and alleged wrongdoing by Trump, Bartiromo asked Dingell, “Do you see any similarity to the 51 intelligence officials who lied about the Hunter Biden laptop right before the 2020 election? Calling it Russian disinformation?”

She added, “Specifically the Hunter Biden laptop was real. They signed a letter saying it was Russian disinformation. Is that a similar situation to what President Trump was just convicted of?”

This is when Dingell made clear she had no idea what was going on.

Dingell: “I don’t have the facts”

She answered, “Hunter Biden was in a court and convicted…” 

Bartiromo interjected, “No, that was gun charges, that was a very separate situation. I’m talking about the Hunter Biden laptop, right before the 2020 election. 51 intelligence officials signed a letter saying it was Russian disinformation. They hid the truth before the election, is that similar to what Trump was just charged with?”

Dingell admitted, “I don’t have the facts. I think you’re going to hear a lot more about the laptop in the coming months, I’m not privy, Maria, about what was on there and what wasn’t.”

Bartiromo added, “I know that the DOJ used the laptop as evidence in the gun trial against Hunter Biden so they obviously looked at the laptop, they said that it was real, and we knew that it was real at the time but 51 intelligence officials said that it wasn’t, they lied.”

In the end, it was an embarrassing display from a powerful elected Democrat who should have been more knowledgeable.

It’s also proof that these same powerful Democrats feel inoculated from the concerns of everyday Americans who believe there is one set of rules for connected elites and another for everyone else.

Those political leaders may be in for a rude awakening in early November.

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.

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