Results: DEFEND or DEFUND the Police

Do you think city and state governments should DEFEND or DEFUND the Police?

Former Governor called out Barack Obama for one stunning move against Joe Biden

The Democrats are falling apart. It’s all been downhill since Joe Biden’s disastrous debate against Donald Trump. And a former Governor called out Barack Obama for one stunning move against Biden. Joe Biden is out. Democrat Party elites got their wish and successfully coerced Biden out of the 2024 Presidential race. Biden wrote in an […]

Republicans and Democrats alike are keeping a close eye on this purple state that wants out of America

America has been comprised of 50 states for 65 years.  But that number could soon be changing.  And now both Republicans and Democrats are keeping a close eye on one purple state that wants out of the union.  United we stand, divided we fall?  The Grand Old Party is living in fear of “Texit” happening […]

One Democrat-controlled city is proving all too well why they can’t have nice things

In Democrat-controlled cities across America, crime and depravity have made life unbearable. Every time city officials scheme up a new way to attract people to the city, drug addicts and criminals step in. And San Francisco has already proven that they cannot handle this new invention. Waymo might have to rethink their strategy after this […]

Corrupt Democrat spit out one shocking statement after his criminal conviction that will make your blood boil

Democrats are nothing if not shameless. They will weather the storm of any political controversy. And a corrupt Democrat Senator made one shocking statement after his criminal conviction. Menendez convicted Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) was recently convicted on corruption charges. The FBI raided his home and found cash and gold bars that he had received […]

Gavin Newsom just channeled his inner mean girl with this response to Trump’s RNC speech

The political Left is in shambles in the wake of Joe Biden’s announcement that he is dropping out of the race. The fear of a comeback by their arch nemesis and strongly polling former president is palpable. Now Gavin Newsom just channeled his inner mean girl with this response to Trump’s RNC speech. Republicans, perhaps […]

Black Lives Matter scorched after making these eye-popping comments about Trump assassination attempt

It’s been said that when someone shows you who they really are, you should believe them. The statements made in the week after what transpired in Butler, Pennsylvania have been revealing. Now a Connecticut chapter of BLM got scorched for a vicious take on what happened to Trump. On Saturday, July 13th, a radical 20-year-old […]

Corrupt and convicted Senator Menendez (D-NJ) just made a decision about his political future

The accusations of wrongdoing finally came to a head in recent days. That has put one prominent Democrat in a tough spot with only months to go before the election. Now corrupt and convicted Sen. Menendez (D-NJ) just made a decision about his political future. This week, US Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) was convicted on […]

Virginia Ex-Governor just gave Biden and any Democrat replacing him some truly awful news

The political fortunes of the Left have gone into a tailspin and seem to be tanking by the hour. States that Democrats have long counted as being automatically in their column are starting to look extremely shaky. Now a Virginia Ex-Governor just gave Biden and any Democrat replacing him some truly awful news. The Old […]