Former Democrat Governor did not hold back in torching the Biden administration

Joe Biden has done a horrible job as President.

Members of his own party have even begun to grumble.

But a former Democrat Governor did not hold back in torching the Biden administration.

Perhaps Joe Biden’s biggest failure as Commander-in-chief has been his handling of the southern border.

Even Democrats have begun to call out his failed policies.

Former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo appeared on Bill Maher’s show, and unloaded on Biden and the “extreme Left” Democrats.

Cuomo unleashed

Cuomo told Maher “His [Biden’s] immigration policy was a mistake, right? I get the theory of the extreme Left. We’re a land of immigrants. Let everyone come in. We all came as immigrants. I get it. But how you do it makes all the difference in the world, right? And to just open the borders with no plan—you don’t know where they go. You don’t know who’s gonna pay for them. They wind up in cities all across the country. New York has a couple of hundred thousand in hotels, costing New York City a fortune. No jobs, no training, no help assimilating into society. So who did you even help, right? It was a great theory.”

It wasn’t even a great theory, but Cuomo is otherwise correct in tearing apart the policies of the Biden administration, and the Left more broadly.

Maher concurred and responded, “You have the person in your old job, the Governor of New York, a Democrat, saying, ‘Don’t come here.’ That’s her exact words. Don’t come here. And the Mayor of New York saying, ‘This is going to ruin our city.’ I mean, if I didn’t know who was talking, I’d have thought that would be Republicans.”

Cuomo, perhaps with an ax to grind with New York Democrats who helped oust him from office, did not let his former colleagues Kathy Hochul and Eric Adams off the hook.

He continued, “But they [Hochul and Adams] didn’t stop them, Bill. They could’ve stopped them. . .The Governor was saying she didn’t want them outside of New York City. But the Mayor could have said no. The Governor could have said no. Many mayors and governors said no. But New York was more of the ideological Left. All are welcome.”

“You failed”

The so-called plan was an unmitigated disaster, and New Yorkers are paying the price.

Cuomo added, “And now we’re finding out 200,000 people later, you needed a plan. You needed no to know what to do with these people. And that’s where you failed.”

His line received applause from Maher’s liberal audience, which shows how fed-up Americans are with unfettered illegal immigration into the country.

Meanwhile, Biden still has not lifted a finger to resolve the problem.

Biden believes that hiring illegal aliens to keep unemployment from spiraling will save him economically.

However, polls show that Americans still trust Donald Trump more on the economy by a wide margin.

Cuomo is sticking it to the Democrats simply by telling the truth for once.

If the Democrats continue on this path, they are going to end up with Trump back in the White House.

That possibility is growing by the day.

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.

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