City that went insane during COVID is floating one eye-popping law that will infuriate you

There still has been no reckoning for the COVID regime.

The United States went totalitarian for two years and people have been told to move on.

And one city that went insane during COVID is floating a law that will infuriate you.

Los Angeles was one of the worst offenders at the height of COVID hysteria.

Never forget what the COVID regime did

People were forced to wear masks, walk in single-file lines in stores and follow arrows on the floor, and dine outside in tent bubbles, but only once in-person dining was allowed again.

Several businesses completely went under as state and local officials kept applying more pressure to small-business owners.

But after years of mask hysteria, L.A. is considering banning masks.

The about-face came in light of violence outside of a synagogue between protesters and counter-protesters.

Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass said that “the idea of people wearing masks at protests” was something that city officials would look into.

New York floated similar policies after an uptick in subway crime.

The idea of people wearing masks has been normalized in light of the diktats of the COVID regime.

In the past, people wearing bandanas over their faces were understood to be criminals.

But during COVID, citizens wore bandanas to pick up shampoo from the local pharmacy.

The Left’s protest problem

The clash between pro-Israel and pro-Palestine protesters occurred because of a real estate deal that was taking place at the synagogue.

The Los Angeles Times reported that “the event was advertised in Friday’s issue of the Jewish Journal promising to provide information on ‘housing projects in all the best Anglo neighborhoods in Israel.’ ‘Anglo’ is a direct translation from Hebrew meaning ‘English-speaking.’ The ad does not specify where in Israel the real estate is. Protest fliers posted on social media said, ‘Our Land Is Not For Sale,’ and condemned ‘land theft’. . .”

The war in Gaza has caused massive political rifts on the Left.

Younger activists who have been indoctrinated in universities and even K-12 schools have been stridently pro-Palestine—some even openly pro-Hamas—while older establishment Democrats are much more likely to support Israel.

At UCLA, some students were blocked from entering buildings because of pro-Palestine protests that were taking up the public square.

The masking issue has also divided the Left.

The New York Times and other outlets have attempted to keep the COVID hysteria going for as long as possible.

But banning masks would be confirmation that masks did not work, which was known years ago.

Masks were simply part of the COVID theater in which millions of Americans were forced to participate. 

Democrat-controlled media outlets do not want to confess that they forced people to wear masks and socially distance based on fake science.

Dr. Anthony Fauci all but admitted the social distancing guidelines were bunk, but he is attempting to hold the line on masks.

But even that narrative is quickly crumbling.

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.


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