California Democrat just went off the deep end with her prediction of what a Trump win would mean

She’s always played fast and loose with the facts, but this is a new low, even for her.

What it really conveys is a growing sense of desperation.

Now, one California Democrat just went off the deep end with her prediction of what a Trump win would mean.

Rep. Maxine Waters (D) can fairly be described as one of the most disagreeable members of Congress.

She has a long history of combativeness and even inciting harassment.

Over a policy disagreement with the Trump administration, Waters took to the streets and outwardly called on her supporters to harass Trump administration officials and supporters in public.

In 2018, she was caught on video yelling to supporters, “And if you see anyone from that cabinet in a restaurant, at a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore anywhere.”

In an ironic twist, a few years later, several members of the homeless population of Los Angeles followed her lead.

They got in her face.

When derelicts from the 43rd district protested and told the congresswoman they were in need of housing vouchers, she told them to go home.

One protester replied, “We don’t have a home.  That’s why we are here!”

Now Waters, never one to shy away from instigating a ruckus, says she is worried about what might happen if Donald Trump wins the presidency in November.

Maxine Waters: Even though Trump was already president for years, NOW he is a threat to millions

In an interview on far-left MSNBC, Waters said, “I’m very concerned, not only about my safety and not only about the safety of members of Congress. I’m concerned about the safety of so many people in this country, particularly people of color. Donald Trump has said that if he does not win, it is going to be fraud, and because it is going to be fraud, there will be blood in the streets. He threatens about a civil war, and he threatens there’s going to be violence.”

She continued, “I would say all of this talk is motivational with many of those who are racist, who are sitting at home listening to him, and they are taking him up on his threats even before the elections take place. It is about thousands, maybe millions of people being threatened and being at risk because of Donald Trump and his desire to seek revenge on anything and everybody.”

Aside from the fact that her rant amounted to little more than a complete mischaracterization of Trump’s words, the very notion that Waters might be concerned about the safety of others in Congress is maddening.

Which side of the political divide is the real threat to Congress?

It is Maxine Waters’ friends on the political left who have a history of enticing violence against elected officials.

Back in 2017, a man called James T. Hodgkinson, a supporter of Bernie Sanders and various left-wing causes opened fire on Republican members of Congress at a baseball practice in Alexandria, Virginia.

Of course, because that horrible incident painted leftists in a bad light, we don’t hear about it ad nauseam on corporate cable TV networks like we do about January 6th.

One suspects that what Waters really fears is that the American people do remember the Trump presidency, and polling suggests that they remember it fondly when compared to the current failed Biden Administration.

Waters suspects that no amount of hysterical fear-mongering is going to change that fact and Democrats may be in for a somber night in November.

It’s little wonder that she’s lashing out again.

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.


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