Alvin Bragg rewrote laws to get Trump but his handling of Columbia protesters is sparking outrage

A growing sense of frustration among conservatives and supporters of Donald Trump is what looks to be a two-tiered system of justice.

The evidence is pointing to multiple instances where there are different sets of rules for those of differing political persuasions.

Now Alvin Bragg rewrote laws to get Trump but his handling of Columbia protesters is sparking outrage.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s 34 felony charges against former President Donald Trump were based on what many legal experts deem to be dubious legal theories.

Falsifying business records is typically a misdemeanor under New York law and even prominent Democrats now admit that felony charges in the case would never have been leveled against anyone who wasn’t Donald Trump.

That the rules are different for Trump is the very definition of political persecution.

A radically different approach for radical protesters

But, even more outrageously, the very same guy who is twisting the law into a pretzel to go after Donald Trump is taking a decidedly different approach to others who may have run afoul of the law.

Over one hundred protesters were arrested on April 30th in a police sweep of Columbia’s Manhattan campus.

The arrest happened the day after they stormed a campus hall, used tables, chairs, and a human chain to block entry to the building, and hoisted an “intifada” banner.

But, it turns out, much can be forgiven if you’re on the right political team, at least in the eyes of the Manhattan District Attorney’s office.

After throwing the proverbial book at Donald Trump (this after also essentially having rewritten that book on his own), Alvin Bragg has dismissed trespassing charges against 30 Columbia University protesters who were arrested for occupying a campus building.

The Washington Free Beacon reports that this occurred after a prosecutor in Bragg’s office argued that the defendants should not face criminal penalties.

The prosecutor favored a lenient approach based on the defendants’ lack of criminal histories and the supposition that the protesters will face internal discipline at Columbia.

With Bragg’s decision, a majority of those arrested will not face criminal penalties after the occupation of the building.

Infuriatingly, there was no remorse for bad behavior and instead, the protesters took a defiant stance.

After the cases were dismissed, the protesters went outside and held a press conference.

Here, a speaker who was covered up with a ski mask, said, “Resist the pigs, the police in the U.S.”

He added, “This is standing with Palestinian resistance. This is an interlinking of our struggles—struggles against carceral violence, against colonialism, against racism, against genocide. We refuse to condemn the Palestinian resistance.”

This is just the latest example of how Bragg has given the kid glove treatment to essentially everyone but Trump.

Bragg detailed his soft-on-crime policy in a memo, shortly after he was elected in 2021, in which he said that the Manhattan DA will not prosecute certain offenses such as resisting an arrest, prostitution, or subway jumping. 

He also neglected to prosecute a slew of other crimes, all done in the name of racial equity, and to disastrous effects.

The double standard in applying the law is outrageous.

But more importantly, the country and the rule of law won’t survive if the corruption and two-pronged approach to justice employed by Bragg and other radicals continues.

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.


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