Blue State Democrat caught misusing campaign funds for something that will turn every head

Many Democrat strongholds are horribly mismanaged.

Yet the leaders keep getting elected.

And one big-name Democrat got caught misusing campaign funds for something unbelievable.

Almost all major cities are controlled by Democrats, and they keep getting elected no matter how bad things get.

Chicago is a prime example.

Chicago’s bad leaders

The city has become synonymous with rampant crime, so much so that Hollywood Director Spike Lee made a movie called Chi-Raq (a combination of Chicago and war-torn Iraq) based on the ancient Greek comedy Lysistrata where the women withhold sex from the men in an attempt to end the Peloponnesian War.

Far-left Mayor Lori Lightfoot shockingly lost her re-election bid, but she was replaced by Brandon Johnson, who is arguably to her left.

Now, Johnson is in trouble for alleged improper use of campaign funds for personal grooming.

The Chicago Sun-Times reported that “some might be surprised at how much the mayor spends on personal grooming, for which he pays with money contributed by political supporters to his Friends of Brandon Johnson campaign fund: more than $30,000 in the past year, according to elections board records.”

Over $30,000 dollars for hair and makeup is absolutely ridiculous, especially when compared to former Mayor Lightfoot.

The Washington Examiner reported that “Johnson expensed more than $32,000 from January 2023 to March 2024, according to the report. His makeup artist was paid $28,000, and the hair salon was paid $4,000. In comparison, former Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot expensed $8,000 for similar services.”

So Johnson spent four times as much as Lightfoot.

No wonder Chicago cannot solve its crime problem; the Mayor spends all day getting his hair and makeup done.

When asked about the wild expenditures, Johnson campaign adviser Bill Neidhardt said, “The mayor does not spend taxpayer dollars in preparation for the many public appearances and events he attends every day. Instead, he is using his own campaign funds to pay Black- and women-owned businesses a fair wage in compensation for their work in preparing the mayor and individuals associated with the campaign for public appearances, events, media segments and other availabilities. Hair and makeup services are commonplace among high-ranking public officials.”

Spending far more than other politicians

So Johnson spends $32,000 on hair and makeup because he’s a man of the people.

But his spending is way out of step with politicians.

As mentioned earlier, Lightfoot spent $8,000.

Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle reportedly spent $217 for makeup in 2019.

Governor J.B. Pritzker made 11 payments totaling $6,000 for hair and makeup between 2018 and 2022.

Johnson looks like Louis XIV in comparison to his Illinois colleagues.

In a city known for its corrupt politics, Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson really takes the cake.

Meanwhile, Johnson is using taxpayer funds to accommodate illegal aliens coming into the city.

Some Chicagoans are so disgusted with Johnson and city leadership that they are pleading to vote for Donald Trump in November.

Westside resident Cata Truss to MSNBC’s Katy Tur, “I don’t know that [the Democrats] can get my vote back. I think that one of the biggest problems with this whole situation is when this started, I called my Congressman. I call it my State Representative. I called my State Senator. I called our Cook County Commissioner and I tried to sit down to meet with them. I even called my Mayor and I wanted to sit down and talk to them to find out if there was just something that I was missing. If there was some initial information that I needed, in order to make me sit comfortably what was happening and nobody had time to sit down with me. Nobody had time to meet with me to discuss this issue. And so as important as this issue has become to the black community, and the fact that our Mayor, who I know, whom I supported, whom I donated money to his campaign, has not bothered to pick up the phone to call me and to talk to me about what’s happening is a slap in the face for me. And so no, I cannot support people who will not support me and my community.”

Lori Lightfoot was the first Chicago Mayor in 40 years to lose re-election.

If Johnson is not careful, he could be the second in a row.

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.

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