Democrat Governor made one infuriating declaration that will have you pulling out your hair

Liberal policies make absolutely no sense.

Blue cities are collapsing under the weight of these ridiculous laws.

And a Democrat Governor made one infuriating declaration that will have you pulling out your hair.

Disgraced former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo was one of the most hardcore lockdown politicians during the COVID mass hysteria.

His pandemic policies forced people out of jobs and killed elderly people in nursing homes.

New Yorkers were shamed, coerced, or flat-out mandated by law to wear masks.

After Cuomo’s shameful resignation, Kathy Hochul assumed the office and carried forward with the same Democrat boilerplate policies.

Hochul under pressure

But now Governor Hochul is rethinking masks due to increased incidents of crime.

Now, the Governor wants to ban masks after forcing people to wear them in the first place.

Hochul said that when she sees “individuals on a subway being terrorized by individuals in masks, it’s a cause for great concern. . .We have images of people with masks that almost cover up their entire face. It’s impossible to find these perpetrators.”

New Yorkers were forced against their will to wear masks, now they’re being forced not to wear them.

Meanwhile, The New York Times is still trying to fear-monger about COVID.

The “paper of record” reported that “Covid cases have risen in the city recently, with the number of daily cases doubling over the past month. The increase has been fueled by two Covid-19 subvariants, LB. 1 and KP. 2, both of which are offshoots of the JN.1 strain that dominated cases in the winter and spring and still accounts about 40 percent of cases circulating.”

So COVID is dangerous, thus people must wear masks, but also crime is out of control, so people must not wear masks.

Make it make sense.

Hochul added, “We will not tolerate individuals using masks to evade responsibility for criminal or threatening behavior. . .My team is working on a solution, but on a subway, people should not be able to hide behind a mask to commit crimes.”

Mayor Eric Adams was also on board with the mask ban.

Another reason for the reversal of masks

Adams said, “I’m a strong supporter of the decision of stopping masks on our subway system, masks in protests and masks in other areas where it’s not health-related. . .I think that you’re going to see a great deal of very violent protests and some of this despicable hate we’re seeing, I think you’re gonna see it dissipate.”

Masked individuals at pro-Palestine protests have become a massive nuisance for Democrat politicians in New York.

Adams continued, “Cowards cover their faces. If you believe in something, then stand up and show your face. . .But standing on our trains, telling people ‘if you’re zionists, raise your hand and get off,’ show your face and say that.”

The far-left Gaza protests have caused a major rift on the Left.

Old-school Democrats tend to fall in the pro-Israel camp, but the younger radicals are stridently pro-Palestine, some even openly pro-Hamas.

Mayor Adams added, “I think it’s going to stop a lot of these crimes we’re seeing. . .People are using masks to commit crimes, to commit assaults. The difficult thing for the police department is to find suspects because of their full covering. And this is going to help us greatly.”


Democrats are a walking contradiction.

They’re going to have difficulty squaring this circle.

Stay tuned to Blue State Blues for any updates to this ongoing story.

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